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"Look at those books, at that piano, at what is suggested by the violin case, at the refinement of this room and then picture what might have been here! Take another view, and consider what a fine chance you'd have had to meet her if that old codger hadn't turned scamp off there in Azuria! Anyway, we've got to clean up the signs of this butchery before she comes."

Something to sit on when the ground's dirty or swampy. A table? Something to eat off or write at when there ain't a flat rock handy. Not friends not pieces of yourself which is what you make of 'em. Release yourself from this tyranny of material things as your pater used to quote Socrates or some other old codger as saying. We don't want tents, and the women must do with the howdah."

"I fear, my gentle Roger, You'll be as wet as Bodger!" said Gerald. "Who is Bodger?" asked little Kitty. "Bodger, my blessed child, was a stodger, and a codger, and a very artful dodger; he carried his bones to David Jones, and asked to be took as a lodger." "Do be quiet, Jerry!" said Bell. "Father, can the canoe stand such a gale as this?"

But in spite of his smiling concealment of effort, Daddy had to lean against the fence and catch his breath even while he boasted: "I'm an old codger, sir, but I'm worth a dozen o' you spindle-legged chaps; dum me if I ain't, sir!"

Nothing was the trouble. Except with old Goglefogle. I made one little break in my accounts. Why, if old Gogie had to keep track of seventy-'leven accounts and watch every single last movement of a fool girl that can't even run the adding-machine, why, he'd get green around the gills. He'd never do anything but make mistakes! Well, I guess the old codger must have had a bum breakfast this morning.

Of course it won't take me twenty-four hours to get hold of the history and appearance of every queen who was named Marie fifteen years ago, and your description helps a lot. Records were burned, but some of the older men on the force are walking archives. For the matter of that you might draw out some old codger in your club and get as much as I can give you " "Rather not!

"Here he is," cried Whipcord, who appeared to be leader of the party. "Here you are, Batch, my boy we got your address at the police-station and came to look you up, and oh, I say, what a glorious old codger!" This last note of admiration was directed to my uncle, who sat sternly back in his chair, gazing at the intruders with mingled wrath and astonishment.

Shrimplin, but he gave over slapping the lines, for why irritate Bill in his present uncertain mood? "Want I should get out and lead you?" asked Mr. Shrimplin, putting aside with one hand the blankets in which he was wrapped. "You're a game old codger, ain't you? I guess you ain't aware you've growed up!"

I don't want you to grow up too fast and it would break Mother's heart to come home and find a grown up daughter in the place of the little girl she left. Be twelve years old while you can, honey, for the minute you are thirteen you leave that happy year forever. I'm a serious old codger this afternoon, am I not? But we understand each other better, don't we?" "Oh, yes!"

Wherever the sunlight struck on that black body it revealed scales like those on a mangy dog. His body was also covered with gray hairs matted into the dirt. "That old codger represents the nearest thing to an animal that the human being can reach," said McLaughlin, one of the oldest missionaries on the island. "You're right!" I said.