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"How," said Fardorougha, looking earnestly at him; "what is it?" "Why, to lave us a lock o' your hair before you go," replied the wag, with a grin. The miser took no notice whatsoever of this, but was turning quietly out of the yard, to enter by the lawn, when the man called out in a commanding voice "Back here, you codger! tundher an' thump! back I say!

"Did you look at this?" she asked the producer as he started the motor. "Bless you, no! What is it? As crazy as the old codger himself?" "Do you really think that man is crazy?" she asked sharply. "Why, I don't really know. Just queer perhaps. It doesn't seem as though a sane man would live all stark alone over on that sea-beaten point." "He is an actor," declared Ruth. "Your director says so."

Yes, at eighty, he would! Not that I mean I think you might be tryin' to get the better of him, Virg. You're a mighty close ole codger, but such a thing ain't in you. What I mean: I hope there ain't any chance for the ole man to THINK you might be " "Oh, no," Adams interrupted.

It did not matter which one, so what did Hal do but "cheek it up" to the Head, who had no family to summer with, and who usually wandered off to some lonely mountain resort by himself for the entire vacation. Professor Warwick was amazed. "Why, Bennington," he exclaimed, "what ever do you want an old codger like me for?

That they should have flutters of loving-kindness, and crafty little breaths of whispering, and extraordinary gifts of just looking at each other in time not to be looked at again, as well as a strange sort of in and out of feeling, as if they were patterned with the same zigzag as the famous Herefordshire graft is made and above all the rest, that they should desire to have no one in the world to look at them, was to be expected by a clever old codger, a tanner who had realized a competence, and eaten many "tanner's pies."

"I go to find the sultan to-morrow, sir?" asked Piang. "Him at Isabella, and I must give him Kali Pandapatan's message." "Well, Piang, I am with you. I'm going to face that old codger and tell him what I think of his fiendish tricks of killing us off by this beastly juramentado, when he claims to be at peace with America."

I didn't come to report, for there's nothing to say, except that I'm sticking at it, and if I don't get a sight of those two before long I'm going to burn a red sulphur light some fine night, and yell 'fire! I bet that'll bring the old codger out, for all his rheumatism!" "Not a bad idea," Blaine commented, adding dryly: "What did you come for, then, Guy?"

Cutty wrote out his check for a thousand and departed, the chuckle still going on inside of him. Versatile old codger, wasn't he? Promptly at three the dealer arrived, his arms and his hands gripping violin cases. Cutty hurried to his assistance, accepted a part of the load, and beckoned to the man to follow him.

When they were all on with their meagre belongings, he called again to the man in the wagon. "Brother Keaton, my father went across, did he?" Several of the men on shore answered him. "Yes" "Old white-whiskered death's-head went over the river" "Over here" "A sassy old codger he was" "He got his needings, too" "Got his needings " They cast off the line and the oars began to dip.

They supposing him to be some old "codger," thought they would have a little fun with him. When they met him one of them asked him "if he had heard the news?" "No," he says, "what is it?" "The devil is dead." "Is he?" says Mr. Mills, "I am sorry for you poor fatherless children, what will become of you?" I understand that they let him pass without further conversation.