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In her nervous agitation, she unconsciously opened a book of her father's that lay upon the table, the words that caught her eye in it, seemed almost made for her present state of acute self-abasement: 'Je ne voudrois pas reprendre mon coeur en ceste sorte: meurs de honte, aveugle, impudent, traistre et desloyal a ton Dieu, et sembables choses; mais je voudrois le corriger par voye de compassion.

Les fruicts y sont aussi bons, et y a aussi bonne commodite de venaison et de gibier en ceste ville, qu'en autre qu'on sceut choisir. Et puis ce qu'elle est a la cheultes des montagnes, on la tient pour le grenier commun du comte de Bourgogne, comme jadis Sicile estait de l'Itaile.

His words be these, 'Et de vray, c'est le plus fascheux et le plus incertain negocier de ceste court, que je pense soit au monde." And so "basting," as he said, "with a weak body and a willing mind; to do, he feared, no good work," he set forth from Middelburgh to rejoin Leicester at Arnheim, in order to obey, as well as he could, the Queen's latest directions.

His words be these, 'Et de vray, c'est le plus fascheux et le plus incertain negocier de ceste court, que je pense soit au monde." And so "basting," as he said, "with a weak body and a willing mind; to do, he feared, no good work," he set forth from Middelburgh to rejoin Leicester at Arnheim, in order to obey, as well as he could, the Queen's latest directions.

'Mignonne allons voir si la rose Qui ce matin avoit desclose Sa robe de pourpre au soleil A point perdu ceste vespree I as plis de sa robe pourpree Et son teint au votre pareil . . . She discerned in Isabel that quality of beauty, noble, spirited, and yet wistful, which requires a most expensive setting of simplicity. And that was why Isabel opened her coat.

Her ladies of honor obeyed her as they would their God. Marguerite of Valois said of her: "I did not dare to speak to her, and when she looked at me I trembled for fear of having done something that displeased her." Ladies who had been delinquent were stripped and beaten with lashes; for correctionfrequently for mere pastimeshe would have them undressed and slapped vigorously with the back of the hand. Françoise of Rohan, cousin of Jeanne d'Albret, wrote the following poem: "Plus j'ai de toi souvent esté battue, Plus mon amour s'efforce et s'évertue De regretter ceste main qui me bat; Car ce mal-l

The conventional pastoralism that veils the identity of the shepherd and shepherdess is scarcely more than a pretence, for at the end of the manuscript we find blazoned the arms of the royal pair, with the inscription: Icy sont les armes, dessoubz ceste couronne, Du bergier dessus dit et de la bergeronne. We have now completed the first section of our introductory survey of pastoral literature.

Coming to a castle he is received by a solemn procession, with great rejoicing; through him the folk have regained the land and goods which they had lost. The mistress of the castle is more explicit. Perceval had asked concerning the Grail: "par coi amende Somes, en si faite maniere Qu'en ceste regne n'avoit riviere Qui ne fust gaste, ne fontaine. E la terre gaste et soutaine."

"Je suis cheuz an langour des cele oure que li chevaliers se herberga coianz dont vous avez oi parler; par un soule parole que il deloia a dire me vint ceste langour." From this cause the Fisher King dies before the hero has achieved the task, and can take his place. "Li bons Rois Peschieres est morz."

J'offre ces violettes, Ces lis & ces fleurettes, Et ces roses icy, Ces vermeillettes roses Sont freschement ecloses, Et ces oelliets aussi. De vostre doulce haleine, Eventez ceste plaine Eventez ce sejour; Ce pendant que j'ahanne A mon ble que je vanne A la chaleur du jour. *A graceful translation of this and some other poems of the Pleiad may be found in Ballads and Lyrics of old France, by Mr.