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"The guv'ner" had made threats to disinherit another of his children also, sister Gwendolen, who had married an Italian marquis with a string of titles and a dueling record. They lived in his chateau, or rather had, until he had taken to firing the breakfast dishes at her; then she had cabled for help, and the old gentleman had gone over to find out what were his Grace's terms.

Her prospective father-in-law appeared to her somewhat punctilious, but she determined to humour him. "Your father is quite right, Beverly," she said. "I should have cabled at once." At this moment Joles entered, apparently somewhat nervous. "Mr. Von Barwig is here, miss," he explained. "I told him you were engaged, but " "Ask him to come up, Joles."

Ess Kay and my brother. "By Jove, Harborough!" said Stan. "It is you, isn't it? Surely it isn't your double?" "Harborough it is," said Jim, while I listened, dumb with wonder. "How are you, Duke? I was rather expecting you might turn up; but I cabled to you last night to Boodles', and wrote you this morning on the chance you hadn't started." "Well, I'm blowed," remarked Stan, most inelegantly.

We shan't be short of money. Now don't look at me any more like you did. Say yes, and let's begin right away and be happy. 'Do you really mean ? She was obliged thus, in weak unfinished phrases, to gain time in order to recover from the shock. 'I'm going to cable to-morrow morning, he said, joyously. 'Not that there's so much hurry as all that, but I shall feel better after I've cabled.

My bank in England cabled to a bank in Chicago, and the hotel-keeper generously made himself responsible for my identity; the draft was cashed, and I was once again able to proceed on my journey. But what caused the man in the street to notice me? What prompted him to lend me his aid? Surely my guardian spirit.

Colonel McIntyre had planned to bring the twins, then at school in Paris, home himself, but business had kept him in the West and he had cabled to a spinster cousin to chaperon them on the trip across the Atlantic Ocean. Nor had he reached New York in time to see them disembark, and thus had missed meeting Mrs. Brewster, then in her first year of widowhood.

On our reaching Cape Town, after finding you starving on ze veldt, I cabled him ze news. A few hours later he told me exactly what to do. He knew you would do it. How, I do not know. He is no ordinary man, Keralio. When I first saw you out zere, unkempt, in rags, starving, I could have dropped dead from surprise. It never occurred to me that you might be useful. But Keralio knew.

In the polite intelligence which we sometimes have cabled to our press at home, by more than usually ardent enterprise, one may have read that the king held a levee at St. James's; and one conceived of it as something dramatic, something historic, something, on the grand scale, civic.

"Christian R." The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thomas B. Crosby, wired: "The City of London sincerely mourns the passing away of its distinguished citizen, General Booth, whose grand and good work entitles him to imperishable gratitude." Whilst the Governors and Premiers of most of the Colonies where the Army is at work cabled in similar terms.

This, of course, lifted Mark Twain quite into the clouds. Daily he wrote and cabled all sorts of glowing hopes to his family, then in Paris. Once he wrote: "The ship is in sight now .... When the anchor is down, then I shall say: Farewell a long farewell to business! I will never touch it again! I will live in literature, I will wallow in it, revel in it; I will swim in ink!"