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Dalmahoy, being appealed to, suggested Glasgow: and thenceforward I let him alone. Byfield snored on. I pulled out my watch, which I had forgotten to wind; and found it run down. The hands stood at twenty minutes past four. Daylight, then, could not be far off. Eighteen hours say twenty: and Byfield had guessed our rate at one time to be thirty miles an hour. Five hundred miles

"Your notes? The salt water " "You see," said he, "I am a martyr to acidity of the stomach." "Man! do I invite the confidence of your stomach?" "Consequently I never make an ascension unaccompanied by a small bottle of Epsom salts, tightly corked." "And you threw away the salts and substituted the notes? that was clever of you, Byfield." I lifted my voice. "And Mr.

So we reasoned afterwards. "The grapnel!" gasped Byfield: for Dalmahoy's rope was fastened beneath the floor of the car, and not to be reached by us. We fumbled to cast the grapnel loose, and shouted down together "For God's sake hold on! Catch the anchor when it comes! You'll break your neck if you drop!"

So far we had pursued our way unmolested, although raising a clamour fit to wake the dead; but at last, in Abercromby Place, I believe at least it was a crescent of highly respectable houses fronting on a garden Byfield and I, having fallen somewhat in the rear with Rowley, came to a simultaneous halt. Our ruffians were beginning to wrench off bells and door-plates!

"'Virtus, recludens immeritis mori Coelum negata temptat iter via, Coetusque vulgares et udam Spernit humum fugiente penna' you have the Latin, sir?" "Not a word." He subsided upon the pile of rugs and spread out his hands in protest. "I tak' ye to witness, Mr. Byfield!"

The University was represented in force: eleven persons, including ourselves, Byfield the aëronaut, and the tall lad, Forbes, whom I had met on the Sunday morning, bedewed with tallow, at the "Hunters' Tryst."

And when I considered that what I looked down on this, with its arteries and nodules of public traffic was a nation; that each silent nodule held some thousands of men, each man moderately ready to die in defence of his shopboard and hen-roost; it came into my mind that my Emperor's emblem was the bee, and this Britain the spider's web, sure enough. Byfield came across and stood at my elbow. "Mr.

The scant bedclothes were so short that one extremity or the other must freeze, so I compromised by protecting the "midway plaisance," and in my cramped quarters, thought with envy of Dr. Root of Byfield, who was said to stretch his long legs out the window to secure plenty of room for himself, and a roost on his pedal extremities for his favorite turkeys.

I had, in fact, a second reason for abbreviating this letter and sealing it in a hurry. The movements of the brig, though slight, were perceptible, and in the close air of the main cabin my head already began to swim. I hastened on deck in time to shake hands with my companions and confide the letter to Byfield with instructions for posting it. "And if your share in our adventure should come into public question," said I, "you must apply to a Major Chevenix, now quartered in Edinburgh Castle, who has a fair inkling of the facts, and as a man of honour will not decline to assist you. You have Dalmahoy, too, to back your assertion that you knew me only as Mr. Ducie." Upon Dalmahoy I pressed a note for his and Mr. Sheepshanks's travelling expenses. "My dear fellow," he protested, "I couldn't dream ... if you are sure it won't inconvenience ... merely as a loan ... and deuced handsome of you, I will say." He kept the cutter waiting while he drew an I.O.U., in which I figured as Bursar and Almoner (honoris caus

Thank you, Byfield, my boy, I will: two fingers only a harmless steadier." He took the flask and was lifting it. But his jaw dropped and his hand hung arrested. "He's going to faint," I cried. "The strain " "Strain on your grandmother, Ducie! What's that?"