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What was she doin', Mr. Hazeltine, this woman you thought was the housekeeper? Did she look as if she was gettin' ready to go out? Did she have her bunnit on?" "No. She seemed to be very much at home. That's why I thought " But again Captain Jerry broke in, "Well, by mighty!" he ejaculated. "That's nice, now, ain't it! SHE goin' away! You bet she ain't!

Jest at that minute the door opened, and Abner kem sa'nterin' in, mild and moony as usual 'Sary, says he, ho! ho! ho! it makes me laugh to think on't, 'Sary, says he, 'I wouldn't buy no more baskets without handles, ef I was you. They ain't convenient to kerry, says he. And with that he sets down on the table that Fan Chong bunnit!

Put on your bunnit and go with Bob. He'll take good care of ye, Bob will." And so, by what seemed the merest chance, that lovely afternoon, little Star went with Bob Peet, in his old black boat, to see the steamer Huntress aground on a sand-bank off the main shore. The sea lay all shining and dimpling in the afternoon light, and not a cloud was to be seen overhead.

"Bring de peppermint," suggested Othello. "Miss Clorindy, dear Miss Clorindy, what am it?" cried Dolf, with a sudden sinking at his heart. Clo would have had hysterics, but not being a fine lady, she gave two or three yells, kicked the table, pulled her frizzed hair, and shouted, amid her tears: "You Sally, git my bunnit quick!" She rose, and they crowded about her. "Whar be you gwine? What's up?"

"Pretty cute piece 'twas, too, seemed to me. Say, that girl of yours must have SOME spring bunnit. Ho, ho!" Issachar deigned to express approval, approval qualified with discerning criticism of course, but approval nevertheless. "Pretty good piece, Al," he observed. "Pretty good. Glad to see you done so well. Course you made one little mistake, but 'twan't a very big one.

But Celandine she's an ambitious girl, Mrs, Tarbell, and the long and the short of it is just this, that she's set her heart on being a lawyer, and she's either too shy or too proud, mebbe, to come here with me to speak to you, ma'am: so I just put on my bunnit the first day I could, rain or shine, and rain it's turned out to be, to say a word to you about her and just ask you what you thought."

He was young and kind of good-lookin', with a voice like the Skakit foghorn, and he took the sins of the world in his mouth, one after the other, as you might say, and shook 'em same's a pup would a Sunday bunnit. He laid into rum and rum sellin', and folks fairly got in line to sign the pledge.

And you don't believe it? I do, every word of it! I am sure it is true!" "Wal, ye see," said the farmer, meditatively; "Ef' t was true, what become o' the necklace? That's what I say. Father believed it, sure enough, and he thought he hed that necklace, as sure as you think you hev that bunnit in yer hand. But 'twarn't never found, hide nor hair of it." "Might he not have sold it?"

He'd been mixin' chicken feed in it, an' he'd held it fust by one side an' then by the other, an' he'd dropped it in the mud too, I reckon, from the looks of it: you never seed sech a lookin' thing in all your born days as that bunnit was. Sary, she looked at it, and then she looked at Abner, an' then at the bunnit agin; an' then she let fly."

She seemed to be holding to it in the face of righteous judgment. "S'pose I don't ask you?" "I'll foller on behind." "Don't ye want to go home, an' lock up, an' git a bunnit?" She put one trembling hand to the calico apron about her head. "No." "Don't ye want to leave the key with some o' the neighbors?" "I don't want anything in the world but you," owned Amelia shamelessly.