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Britten and I belonged to one of the precocious types, and Cossington very probably to another. It wasn't that there was anything priggish about any of us; we should have been prigs to have concealed our spontaneous interests and ape the theoretical boy.

"Would you mind running round to the King's Road, Chelsea, for ten minutes? Perhaps there'll be another sovereign before we get to bed to-night." I pocketed the money you don't find many drivers who are long off the fourth speed in that line, and Lal Britten is no exception.

"Hmm," frowned Mr. Swift. "I used to know an old fellow very well who was in the diving business. Met him when we built the submarine 'Advance' you boys remember her but I can't seem to recall his name. Let me see Ha! I have it! Britten! That's it, John Britten, the best salvage man on the coast!" "Maybe he's busy too," said Ned, "as all the others seem to be."

That is the secret of the futile journey to America that puzzled all my friends. I ran away from Isabel. I took hold of the situation with all my strength, put in Britten with sketchy, hasty instructions to edit the paper, and started headlong and with luggage, from which, among other things, my shaving things were omitted, upon a tour round the world. Preposterous flight that was!

In some surprise Ned observed that Captain Britten was fumbling with the straps about his big, old-fashioned valise. Young Newton wondered what the elderly man was looking for so intensely. "Ahoy there, Tom Swift!" boomed the old diver, straightening up with a bottle in his hand. "I've got a drop o' gasoline here that may help ye!" "What's that?" gasped the pilot. Turning, he saw the quart bottle.

It's not only possible, but necessary urgently necessary, I think, if the Empire is to go on." "We're working altogether too much at the social basement in education and training," said Gane. "Remington is right about our neglect of the higher levels." Britten made a good contribution with an analysis of what he called the spirit of a country and what made it.

"Go and help her driver to get the car in, and see that he is looked after," and without another word he waited for Miss Dolly to enter the house. Believe me, I never thought Mr. John's stock stood higher and "Britten, my boy," says I to myself, "if this isn't worth a cool fifty when the right time comes, don't you never drive a pretty girl no more."

Is it a bargain, Britten have we the right to the money or have you?" I thought upon it for a moment and could not deny the justice of it. "Do you mean to say you did it for an advertisement?" I cried. "The very same," says he, "and this night, Mabel's fond papa, the gentleman with the big eyes, Britten, will go to Hampstead and take his long-lost daughter to his breast.

Britten. I hope I see you well?" "You see me next door to the devil," said I for out here on the mountain side I didn't care a dump for him. Bluff, however, went for nothing that morning. I had met my match, and I knew it. "Britten," says he, taking a big cigar from a case and lighting it with provoking deliberation. "Shall we make a truce, Britten?"

"Unless you can tell me you didn't do it." He swung round on his heel and looked at me as savage as a devil out of hell. "I did it, Britten Barney, my mate, had nothing to do with it. Didn't you see him sweat the night you picked us up? Barney's a tender-foot at this game; he'll never cut a figure in the 'Calendar, why, not if he lives to be a chimpanzee in the human menagerie.