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In fact, there seemed so little to give thanks for that it never entered her head to do so. "Then we will start at once," said her father briskly; and to her immense relief she soon found herself, her farewells said, mounting once more the dear homely carriage.

The ships kept up a fierce cannonade for some time but it was so briskly returned that in the end they drew away having lost four men. But they had command of the lake, a supremacy not to be challenged until a British Commodore, Sir James Yeo, arrived in the following summer.

But he did not come back in any great hurry, and off in the darkness I could hear his paws padding about briskly; and then there was silence for a moment; and then he broke out into a loud miauling which showed that he was in trouble of some sort and also in pain.

She gave him a frank smile, and Chess seemed comforted. "Nell's dreadfully tart with a fellow," he grumbled. "She's nothing like she used to be. But you are kind, Ruth." "You should not wear your heart on your sleeve," she told him briskly, as they followed Helen Cameron toward the veranda. The two girls from the moving picture camp passed a pleasant evening with their New York friends.

On his entering he was accosted by Don Martin and Don Philip, who inquired what had become of our hero and his friend. Captain Tartar who was in no very good humour, replied briskly, "that they were on board his ship in irons." "In irons! for what?" exclaimed Don Philip.

Concealing his alarm, however, he urged his steed to a quicker pace, and proceeded briskly on his way, glad, at least, that he had not lost Solomon Eagle's gift to Nizza.

"Rita gives me a great big pain," said her younger sister absently. "A boy named Willis had a sword, and he hit a little boy with it, and Mrs. Calhoun said it was a wonder he wasn't killed!" contributed Anna suddenly, her eyes luminous from some thrilling recollection. "Fancy!" Julia said. "Eat your oatmeal, Baby, and run upstairs and get some clothes on!" she added briskly. "You'll catch cold!"

"It is hardly fit for you to go out," he said, as Olivia joined him, but she only smiled at him, her vigorous young strength was proof against the cold. "We must hurry, Marcus," she said, briskly, "or we shall be late, and I want to enjoy my Christmas service," for she had already arranged to take care of Dot during the morning, while Martha went to church.

And she fell to work with a will, so briskly to work that she did not realize how time was flying, did not, strangest of all, hear the letting off of steam when the "Heather Bell" moored at the wharf; and she was still busily turning and lifting and separating the stalks of flax, bending low over the frame, heated, hurrying, her whole heart in her work, when Donald came striding up the field from the wharf, striding at his greatest pace, for he was disturbed at not finding Elspie at the landing to meet him.

It is a matter of importance." "Yes, sir, I will myself attend to the matter," responded the obliging clerk. Mr. Rider deposited a piece of silver upon the envelope, touched his hat, and walked briskly from the hotel. He jumped into a carriage that was waiting before the door. "To the Grand Union Station," he ordered. "Be quick about it, and you shall have double fare."