United States or Kenya ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was an easy, confident laugh that destroyed a bit of the Gridley boy's sense of mastery. "What are you doing, up at this time of night?" asked the stranger. "Minding my own business, in my own camp," Dick replied easily. "And what are you doing here? Whose business are you minding?" "My own, too, I reckon," replied the prowler more gruffly.

The boy's mother believed it, the counsel for the defence believed it, the lad himself believed it, his Honor on the bench, and you, gentlemen in the jury-box, I doubt not, all believed it; indeed it was agreed by all parties that nothing remained to be done but to take your verdict for the plaintiff.

The hands they folded over his peaceful breast so many years ago, are not lying there in that marble coffin: the calm blue eyes closed so many years ago, are still lookin' into souls. Those hands lift the low walls of the poor boy's chamber, as he reads of victory over tyranny, of conquerin' discouragement and defeat.

"Great glass windows to the shops, and great clouds in the sky, full of rain, and old wooden trees in the country round." "You stun-poll! What will ye say next?" said Coggan. "Let en alone." interposed Joseph Poorgrass. "The boy's meaning is that the sky and the earth in the kingdom of Bath is not altogether different from ours here.

He could not at first realize where he was, when, in the gray of the next morning, a hand was laid on his shoulder, and Conductor Tobin's voice said: "Come, my young stockman, here we are at the end of our run, and it is time for you to be looking after your cattle." A quick dash of cold water on his head and face cleared the boy's faculties in an instant.

Growing up in such a world as this of 1918, how can it be anything but sheer monasticism to divert the main part of a boy's intellectual energies away from this subject to anything else? Our educational "America is here or nowhere." With this principle in view, and after various tentative experiments, we obtained permission to found the Politics Class described in our previous book.

One day, happening to turn over some of the leaves of the boy's exercise book, he stumbled upon the following lines: "The map of Africa was dark as night, God said, 'Let Burton live, and there was light." He laughed heartily and thanked his little cousin for the compliment, while the couplet became a stock quotation in the family. Later, when St.

As he resumed his station, a light and exquisitely beautiful female form glided in at the door, and stopped at Guly's counter. As he bent forward to inquire her wishes, she threw aside the veil, which concealed her features, and revealed to the boy's bewildered gaze the most dazzling, beautiful face he had ever beheld.

And so there gradually arose between them a little cloud, which both felt, and neither could exactly define. Arthur had kept his promise well with regard to Jerry, who had passed from him to Vassar, and he would have kept it with Harold, if the latter had permitted it. But the boy's pride and independence had asserted themselves at last.

I was brought up amid the scenes of camp and march and battle just at that time when a boy's mind is ready to be filled with aught, and, as he learns, the past slips away, for his real life has begun. And these were strange days through which I had been. We grew old quickly amid all the cruel trouble of the hopeless fighting.