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He has large estates in one of the healthiest and most beautiful parts; he has a palace, and more money than he knows what to do with but it seems that he's not my son-in-law. I could do with Italy very well but that doesn't enter into anyone's calculations. No! let the worn-out old soldier sell boot-laces on the kerb! That's the spirit of woman-kind.

The Gurkha rear-companies tripped and blundered over loose stones. The front-files halted for a moment to take stock of the valley and to settle stray boot-laces. Then a happy little sigh of contentment soughed down the ranks, and it was as though the land smiled, for behold there below was the enemy, and it was to meet them that the Gurkhas had doubled so hastily. There was much enemy.

He may be alive still." And how silly such a sentence when only yesterday, just here, there was the beggar who sold boot-laces, and just there, where the man lay, an old muddled Isvostchick asleep on his box! We moved forward, and instantly it was as though I were in the middle of a vast desert quite alone with all the hosts of heaven aiming at me malicious darts.

Up and down the High Street she went, with Major Benjy in attendance, buying grocery, stationery, gloves, eau-de-Cologne, boot-laces, the "Literary Supplement" of The Times, dried camomile flowers, and every conceivable thing that she might possibly need in the next week, so that her shopping might be as protracted as possible.

"All right, call it gammon," I said, stooping to tighten my boot-laces. "Roast duck for dinner, Tanner, to-morrow." Barkins rushed on deck, leaving me with Smith, and the next minute he was back again. "It's all right, Smithy," he cried; "and they're shoving in a basket of prog for the beggars." "What!" yelled Smith.

I tried such a pocket vertically and found it quite intolerable and even dangerous in some falls. Mending outfit must also include a spare binding and a toe strap, as well as some string and cord, wire, and two or three leather boot-laces.

These pages contain a true confession. Let me own that I hoped Mr. Sax would understand my refusal, and ask Mrs. Fosdyke's leave to accompany us. Lingering a little as we went downstairs, I heard him in the hall actually speaking to Mrs. Fosdyke! What was he saying? That darling boy, Freddy, got into a difficulty with one of his boot-laces exactly at the right moment.

"I can remember what you wore. One of your boot-laces had burst " "Well; I'm " "I had a wild sort of wish to run off, and buy you a new lace " "Of all the rum starts I " "Afterwards," John continued, "I tried to suck-up. I asked you to come and have some 'food. Do you remember?" "I'll bet I came, Jonathan." "No; you didn't. You said 'No." "Dash it all! I certainly said, 'No, thanks."

"Then the honey," said Bobbie, in haste, "and the boot-laces. HE said he respected a man that paid his way and the butcher said the same. And the old turnpike woman said many was the time you'd lent her a hand with her garden when you were a lad and things like that came home to roost I don't know what she meant.

Then one day she tired of it all and went mad-dog, and, first, to show that she really was mad-dog, she unloosened both her boot-laces and put out her tongue east, west, north, and south.