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Dawkins, and that pye you brought yesterday; and hearkye, you scoundrel, if you say where you got it I will break every bone in your skin!" These kind of promises were among the few which I knew him to keep: and as I loved boath my skinn and my boans, I carried the noat, and of cors said nothink. Waiting in Mr. Dawkinses chambus for a few minnits, I returned to my master with an anser.

'I'm gooin up theer Easter Eve Saturday week' and she pointed over her shoulder to the Scout. 'Gells conno be out neets, said David firmly; 'if I goo I can tell yo. 'Yo'll not goo without me I'd tell Aunt Hannah! 'Yo've naw moor sense nor rotten sticks! said David, angrily. 'Yo'll get your death, an Aunt Hannah 'll be stick stock mad wi boath on us. If I goo she'll niver find out.

The gas ud throttle him, Miss, afore he felt the fire." "Is there a wife?" "Noa he coom here a widower three weeks sen there's a little gell " "Aye! they be gone for her an t' passon boath," said another voice; "what's passon to do whan he cooms?" "Salve the masters' consciences!" cried a third in fury. "They'll burn us to hell first, and then quieten us with praying."

An if yo doan't tak a stick to boath on them when they coom back, I will, soa theer, Reuben Grieve. Yo niver had no sperrit wi 'em niver and that's yan reason why they've grown up soa ramjam full o' wickedness. It relieved her to abuse her husband. Reuben said nothing, but hung over the wall, straining his eyes into the gathering darkness.

Helines but it's distance being much greater than that of the latter, so great a portion of it dose not appear above the range of mountains which lie betwen boath those stupendious mountains and this point of view. like mount St. Heleans it's figure is a regular cone and is covered with eternal snow. M. St.

And such was the consquincies of my praises, and the poplarity I got for us boath, that the delighted landlady immediantly charged him dubble what she would have done, if it hadn been for my stoaries.

The Shoshones informed us when we first met with them that there was a passage across the Mountains in that quarter but represented the difficuelties arriseing from Steep ruggid high mountains, and also an extensive and barren plain which was to be passed without game, as infinitely more difficuelt than the rout by which we Came. from the Circumstance of the Chopunnish being at war with that part of the Shoshones who inhabit the Country on this side of the Mountains through which the road passes, I think it is highly probable they cannot be well informed with respect to the road, and further, had there been a better road in that quarter the Shoshones on the East fork of Lewis's river who knew them boath would not have recommend'd that by which we came to this country.

He cleared his throat again, and tried to forget Mrs. Jellison, who would be sure to let him hear of it again, whatever he said. "Well, I can't answer for 'em, miss, I'm sure, but if you ast me, I b'lieve ther's a bit o' boath in it. Yer see it's not in human natur, when a man's young and 's got his blood up, as he shouldn't want ter have 'is sport with the wild creeturs.

Directly after Joseph came up with Hareton, to put him to bed. I had found shelter in Hareton's room, and the old man, on seeing me, said, 'They's rahm for boath ye un' yer pride, now, I sud think i' the hahse. It's empty; ye may hev' it all to yerseln, un' Him as allus maks a third, i' sich ill company!

"They chaps hit I and Bess, dad, and Bess pinned t' horse, and Juno would ha' pinned 'em boath hadn't I strapped she oop, and then we got Bess orf, and I brought 'em back to t' lock-oop." "How dar 'ee hit my lad?" Bill Haden said angrily, stepping forward threateningly. "Look oot, dad, or t' dogs will be at 'em again," Jack shouted.