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At Liskeard, after refreshing their men, and holding next day a solemn thanksgiving to God, they divided the Lord Mohun with Sir Ralph Hopton and Colonel Godolphin marching with the greater part of the army upon Saltash, whither Ruthen had fled and was entrenching himself; while Sir John Berkeley and Colonel Ashburnham, with a small party of horse and dragoons and the voluntary regiments of Sir Bevill Grenville, Sir Nich.

Every royal regiment had its chaplain, including in the service such men as Pearson and Jeremy Taylor, and they had prayers before battle, as regularly and seriously as their opponents. "After solemn prayers at the head of every division, I led my part away," wrote the virtuous Sir Bevill Grenvill to his wife, after the battle of Bradock.

But Sir Bevill Grenville, who has seen and is interested in you, has the first claim: and I would not deny you the delight to fight your first battle under so good a master. His men are, with Sir John Berkeley's troop, a little to the westward: and if you are ready I will go some distance with you, and put you in the way to find him. My lord, may we look for you presently?"

The one I found, ready laid, in the hall; the other seated in his writing- room, studying in a map; and with apology for my haste, handed him Master Tingcomb's confession and told my story. When 'twas over, Sir Bevill sat pondering, and after a while said, very frankly "As a magistrate I can give this warrant; and 'twould be a pleasure, for well, as a boy, do I remember Deakin Killigrew.

Sir Bevill I did not see, but striding down into the hall, picked my way among the drinking and drunken; the servants hurrying with dishes of roast and baked and great tankards of beer; the swords and pikes flung down under the forms and settles, and sticking out to trip a man up; and at length found a groom who led me to a loft over one of the barns: and here, above a mattress of hay, I slept the first time for many months between fresh linen that smell'd of lavender, and in thinking how pleasant 'twas, dropped sound asleep.

He is bound for Brest, he says, and has agreed to take me and such poor chattels as are saved, to Brittany, where I know my mother's kin will have a welcome for me, until these troubles be pass'd. Already the half of my goods is aboard the Godsend, and a letter writ to Sir Bevill, begging him to appoint an honest man as my steward. What think you of the plan?"

Bounce it went past him, missing his legs by a foot or less. The man turn'd, and catching sight of me as I stood waving, made his way up the hill. 'Twas indeed Captain Bilty: and coming up, the honest fellow almost hugg'd me for joy. "Was seeking thee, Jack," he bawled: "learn'd from Sir Bevill where belike I might find thee.

Billy Pottery was ranged on my right, in the first rank, and next to me, on the other side, a giant, near seven foot high, who said his name was Anthony Payne and his business to act as body-servant to Sir Bevill. And he it was that struck up a mighty curious song in the Cornish tongue, which the rest took up with a will.

And Sir Bevill must have had a notion we were going straight to Looe with Billy. At any rate, there was no time to be lost: for my presence was a danger to Delia as well. I cast a glance about me. There was no place to hide. "Quick!" I cried; "follow me, and ride for dear life!"

The prisoners we have already I leave you to deal withal: only, against my will, I must claim some mercy for that rogue, Settle." To this Sir Bevill consented; and, to be short, the three knaves were next morning pack'd off to Launceston: but in time, no evidence being brought against them, regained their freedom, which they used to come to the gallows, each in his own way.