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Updated: August 25, 2024

"'The next one's in Bayport, says I, 'and that's ten mile ahead if it's a foot. "However, there wa'n't nothin' else for it, so toward Bayport we put. Bradbury groaned once in a while, and Mrs. Bassett got nervous. "'We'll never get there at this rate, says she. 'Go faster, Jonadab. Faster! Press down on on that thing he told you to. Please! for MY sake.

I do not know even that you are still living in Bayport, or that you are living at all. My father, Strickland Morley, died in Paris in December, 1908. I, as their only child, am their heir, and I am writing to you asking what I might demand that is, a portion of the money which was my mother's and which you kept from her and from my father all these years.

I spent the two weeks in sailing and fishing, and tramping along the waved-washed beaches and over the pine-sprinkled hills. Even in Bayport I had few associates of my own age. Even then they began to call me "The Quahaug." Hephzy hugged me when I came and wept over me when I went away and mended my clothes and cooked my favorite dishes in the interval.

When we came out and were walking home again, he observed: "That Whittaker is an interesting chap, isn't he?" "Yes," I said. "He is all right. Been everywhere and seen everything." "And that," with an odd significance in his tone, "may possibly help to make him interesting, don't you think?" "I suppose so. He lives here in Bayport now, though." "So I gathered. Popular, is he?" "Very."

Not even a summer boarder had come to brighten our ways and lawns with reckless raiment and the newest slang. Summer boarding season was almost over now. Bayport would soon be as dull as dish water. And the captain admitted to himself that it WAS dull.

"It don't make no difference whether I do or not, fur's I can see," he said, gloomily. "It's too late to start home now. I don't know what time 'tis, but we must have been ridin' three or four hours seems eight or ten year to me and we ought to be pretty near to Bayport.

I've written to a legal acquaintance of mine in Butte, giving him the facts as we know them, and a description of Thomas. He will try to find out what the fellow did in his years out West. It's our best chance, as I told you. Keep your pluck up and wait and see." The captain repeated this conversation to the Board of Strategy when he returned to Bayport.

Partridge, our minister in Bayport, ever quarreled 'twasn't a real quarrel, but more of a disagreement was over what sort of a place Heaven was. Mr. Partridge was certain sure that nobody but church members would be there, and Hosy said if some of the church members in Bayport were sure of a ticket, the other place had strong recommendations.

There he read, so people said, until eleven sharp, when his lamp was extinguished. During or at the beginning of the vacation periods he usually departed for some unknown destination, destinations which, apparently, varied. He had been seen, hopelessly intoxicated, in Bayport, in Ostable, in Boston, once in Providence. When he returned he never seemed to remember exactly where he had been.

If those two had not met I should not be writing this to-day, I might not be writing at all; instead of having become a Bayport "quahaug" I might have been the Lord knows what. However, they did meet, at the home of a wealthy shipping merchant named Osgood who was a lifelong friend of Captain Barnabas. This shipping merchant had a daughter and that daughter was giving a party at her father's home.

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