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Prob'ly 'twill fair off to-morrow, but if it shouldn't, we might have to lay out here all day. Anyhow, we'd have to wait for a full tide. "'I'm afraid we're off the course, says 'Bije, else we'd been acrost the bar by this time. "'Well, Nat tells him, 'if we are off the course and too far inshore, we would have made the bar the Bayport bar if not the Trumet one.

But this Miss Parker refused to do. She declared that she would not wait alone in those woods for anybody or anything. If her companion was going to explore so was she. So Mr. Hammond assisted her to alight, and after he had taken down the bars, the pair went on through a grove to where a large building loomed against the sky. "A church," said Caleb. "One of the Bayport churches, I cal'late.

Dorinda and Lute had gone, with the horse and buggy, to visit a cousin in Bayport. They were to stay over night and return before breakfast the next morning. I was alone in the dining-room when Mother called my name. There was something in her tone which alarmed me and I hastened to her bedside. One glance at her face was enough. "Boy," she said, weakly, "I am afraid I am going to be ill.

He leaned across the upholstery beside him and, still holding the wheel, said: "Say, Bill, what's the quickest way to get to Bayport?" Now my name doesn't happen to be Bill and just then I objected to the re-christening. At another time I might have appreciated the joke and given him the information without comment. But this morning I didn't feel like joking.

She and I have just had a long talk. She's a sensible girl, Hosy, and she listened to reason. If she was sure that you wanted to marry her so soon she " "Wanted to!" I cried. "Hephzy!" Hephzy nodded again. "Then that's settled," she said. "It's a big disappointment to me, I give in. I'd set my heart on your bein' married at our meetin'-house in Bayport, with Mr.

Whenever he spoke thus, Captain Barnabas and Ardelia begged him not to do it yet, to wait awhile. "I am so happy with you and Pa and Hephzy," declared Ardelia. "I can't bear to go away yet, Strickland. And Pa doesn't want us to; do you, Pa?" Of course Captain Barnabas agreed with her, he always did, and so the Morleys remained at Bayport in the old house.

There's other places besides Bayport to be provided for and " "And their congressmen provide for 'em," called another voice. Tad whirled to face his new tormentor. "Huh!" he grunted with sarcasm. "That's Lem Myrick, I know. Lem, the great painter, who votes where he paints and gets paid accordin'." "Order!" cried several. "Oh, all right, Mr. Moderator! I'll keep order all right.

We don't always agree as to which is the best town to live in, you understand." So it was settled that Mr. Wingate should be subjected to the "pumping" process when Asaph visited him. He departed for this visit the following week, and remained away for ten days. Meanwhile several things happened in Bayport. One of these things was the farewell of the Honorable Heman Atkins.

It's this way, Kent; I like Bayport, you know that. Nobody's more in love with this old town than I am; it's my home and I mean to live and die here, if I have luck. But it don't do for me to stay here all the time.

And having reached this philosophical conclusion I proceeded to dream of dark eyes looking into mine across a breakfast table our table; of a home in Bayport our home; of someone always with me, to share my life, my hopes, to spur me on to a work worth while, to glory in my triumphs and comfort me in my reverses; to dream of what might have been if if it were not absolutely impossible.