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Andermatt, general of the Helvetian republic, attempted to seize Zurich, which had joined the federalists, but was compelled to withdraw, covered with disgrace. An army of federalists under General Bachmann repulsed the Helvetlers in every direction and drove them, together with the French envoys, across the frontier.

Gotzkowsky did not answer him. Trembling with eagerness and impatience, he dressed himself, and throwing his cloak around him, he once more left his house, with the alacrity of a young man. General Bachmann looked after him, smiling thoughtfully. "He is a noble fellow," said he, "and Berlin has good reason to be grateful to him, and to love him.

That cannot be. I will hasten to General Tottleben, and entreat him to revoke this cruel order." General Bachmann shook his head sadly. "I am afraid it will be in vain," said he. "Besides, you incur great risk in your undertaking. The general is in a very angry, excited mood, and your intercession will only increase his bitterness and anger." "I fear not his anger," cried Gotzkowsky boldly.

Of her operas, "Susanna Monfort," "Magdalena," and "Eine Heimfahrt," have been frequently performed. Elise Schmezer has composed the opera "Otto der Schütz," besides a number of songs. Thekla Griebel has had her opera, "Schön Karen," produced twice within recent years. Elise Bachmann published a melodrama, "Die Macht der Musik," also some songs and piano pieces in popular vein.

"My God! you are not going to leave me?" he whined out. "Only think " "That the brave and noble citizens may lay the general's words as a balm to their wounds that is what I am thinking of," cried Gotzkowsky, tearing himself loose and hurrying away with rapid strides. "And now for you, most worthy burgomaster," said General Bachmann, sternly, "your name, if you please?"

But gradually rumours spread. With the universal feeling of self confidence, it was but natural that the people should side with the Navy in demanding an unrestricted submarine warfare. When Admiral von Bachmann gave the order to First Naval Lieutenant Otto Steinbrink to sink the Lusitania, he knew the Navy was ready to defy the United States or any other country which might object.

"My name is Kircheisen, Von Kircheisen," stammered he, with a heavy tongue. "We came as conquerors, sir," said General Bachmann; "and it is usual for conquerors to dictate their terms before they enter a captured city. In the name of our general, Count Tottleben, I have to communicate to you what sum we demand from you as a war contribution.

"If no one else dares to tell him the truth, I will do it; and with argument and entreaty compel him to be humane, and to respect the property of others. Come, sir, let us go to General Tottleben!" "No, sir. I am not going with you," said Bachmann, laughing. "I am not a man to tremble on the eve of battle, and yet I fear to meet Tottleben's angry looks.

At length, in the very despair which oppressed him, he found strength to cast his incubus from his breast, and with a voice loud and powerful as thunder to cry out for help and succor. His voice was heard; it reached the ear of General Bachmann, who came in person to set free the wild young officer, the favorite of his empress, from the hands of the Austrians.

But General Bachmann beckoned him to his side. "Tell me, sir, is this chief burgomaster a fool or a drunkard, or is he, indeed, so demented as to intend to mock us?" As Gotzkowsky looked at the deathly pale, convulsed countenance of the magistrate, who renewed his shrill, screeching laugh, he comprehended the racking and terrible torture which the unfortunate man was suffering.