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When she found that I wished to know something of her condition although this was already well known to the gentleman who accompanied me she began to tell her story in a simple, off-hand way. "Aw've had nine childer," said she; "we'n buried six, an' we'n three alive, an' aw expect another every day." In one corner there was a rickety little low bedstead.

If ever the devil was in a man's face, it looked out of Lancy Doane's that minute. Faddo had touched him on the raw when he fetched out that about Tom Doane. All of a sudden Lancy swings, and looks at the clock. "'It's half-past ten, Jim Faddo, said he, 'and aw've got an hour an' a half to deal wi' you as a Lincolnshire lad.

Eawr wenches are gettin' a day for t' sick, neaw and then, but that's all. There's a brother o' mine lives with us, he'd a been clemmed into th' grave but for th' relief; an' aw've been many a time an' hesn't put a bit i' my meawth fro mornin' to mornin' again. We've bin married twenty-four year; an' aw don't think at him an' me together has spent a shillin' i' drink all that time.

"Aw've heerd on 'em, the floowers o' the flock they coom to a bad end mostwise in Yorkshire nipped in t' bood loike! Was tha friend nipped untimely?" "I'd give a bloomin' camomile to know!" "Deserted or summat?" "Ow yus, 'e deserted to Khartoum," answered Withers with a sneer. "The 'owlin' sneak went in 'idin' with Gordon at Khartoum!"

"'For God's sake, Lancy, said my uncle, steppin' forward, 'let him go. "At that Lancy said: 'He's right enough. It's not the first time aw've choked a coward. Throw cold water on him and gi' 'im brandy. "Sure enough, he wasn't dead. Lancy stood there watchin' us while we fetched Faddo back, and I tell you, that was a narrow squeak for him.

"Aw could like yo to gi mo a bit o' summat, Mr Eccles, for aw need it" "Well, but you've some lodgers, haven't you, Mary?" "Yigh; aw've three." "Well; what do they pay you?" "They pay'n mo nought. They'n no wark, an' one connot turn 'em eawt." This was all quite true. "Well, but you live with your son; don't you?" continued the chairman.

Go aw MUN! I never wur away fro whoam o' neet i my life, never! Aw connot do it, mon! Beside, thae knows, aw've laft yon lad, an' never a wick soul wi' him! He'd fret hissel' to deoth this neet, mon, if aw didn't go whoam! Aw couldn't sleep a wink for thinkin' abeawt him!

They're a shame to be sin!" Clogs were freely given; and, in several cases, they were all that were asked for. In three or four instances, the applicants said, after receiving other relief, "Aw wish yo'd gi' me a pair o' clogs, Mr Eccles. Aw've had to borrow these to come in." "Who's witchod?" asked the chairman.

He says, "As for Thomas Doane, Esquire, aw've doone wi' 'im." And theer's another gentleman, Mr. Lancy Doane, Esquire. He turns pious, and says, "Aw'm goin' for a coast-guardsman." What does the King on his throne say? 'E says, "Theer's the man for me."" But aw says, "Aw've doone, aw've doone wi' Mr. Lancy Doane, Esquire, and be damned to 'im!" He! he! Theer's a fancy sitovation for ye. Mr.

Howsome'er, aw've a worrd to speak i' thy ear." "Thoo'rt the great Enderby of Enderby, maister," said the peasant, ducking his head and then putting on his cap; "aw've known thee sin tha wast no bigger nor a bit grass'opper i' the field. Wilt tha ride long, Sir John Enderby, and aw'll walk aside thee, ma grey nag with thy sorrel." He glanced down humorously at his own long wooden legs.