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The "Avion" obeyed, recovered a little, and remained for some seconds headed towards its intended course, but it could not struggle against the wind; instead of going back, on the contrary it drifted farther and farther away. And ill-luck had it that the drift took the direction towards part of the School of Musketry, which was guarded by posts and barriers.

Frightened at the prospect of breaking ourselves against these obstacles, surprised at seeing the earth getting farther away from under the "Avion," and very much impressed by seeing it rushing sideways at a sickening speed, instinctively we stopped everything. What passed through our thoughts at this moment which threatened a tragic turn would be difficult to set down.

One of our drivers has been killed and five wounded so far but we'll put a stop to it soon. The machines have left and are due to-day. You ask me what my work will be and how my machine is armed. First of all I mount an avion de chasse and am supposed to shoot down Boches or keep them away from over our lines. I do not do observation, or regulating of artillery fire.

This second machine, however, was not a success, and it was not until 1897 that the second 'Avion, which was the third power-driven aeroplane of Ader's construction, was ready for trial.

They are many and, I am positive, will always have grateful thoughts of you. I have seen you enduring hardships going without food and sleep, working day and night, sometimes under fire, both shell and avion and never have you been anything but cheerful and willing. I thank you and your organization for all of this, and assure you of the respect and gratitude of the entire division.

The thing startled me, not so much because of its weird appearance as by the mere fact of its being there. Strangely enough, for a moment it seemed impossible that I should meet another avion.

Last night the captain sent out a request to the military authorities to have our troops advancing in the direction of Saint Quentin report immediately any particulars about avion 2055. Even now I cannot reconcile myself concerning Jim's fate. I hope he has been made prisoner. Just a few words about myself. I am awaiting the results of my friends' actions in the States on my behalf.

Ah cleaned it wid mah own han's. Ah put up de fust curtains at de windahs. Ah knowed where everything was in dem days. "But Ah spec' now you's had so many no-count folks in de house fixin' fo' you dat Ah can't find a bressed thing. Dars's dat old walnut wardrobe up in de sto'room. It come from de Avion place, it did.

She loved study, and daddy had been insistent this summer that she should let lessons strictly alone. She had plenty of time to sit in the kitchen while Mammy Blanche was at work there, listening to wonderful tales of her mother's childhood, and of the "doin's" on the Avion plantation on the other shore of the Ohio River. "All gone now, chile," sighed Mammy Blanche.

The desire fathered the story then, and until Clement Ader either hopped with his Avion, as is persisted by his critics, or flew, as is claimed by his friends. While the origin of many legends is questionable, that of others is easy enough to trace, though not to prove.