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Les choses en sont-elles au point de rendre ce risque indispensable?" Mercy to Marie Antoinette, May 11th, 1791, Arneth, p. 163. The day on which the king and she had been prevented from going to St. Cloud. The king. Chambrier, ii., p. 86-88. Lamartine's "Histoire des Girondins," ii., p. 15. Moore's "View," ii., p. 367. The Palais Royal had been named the Palais National.

It had been almost destroyed by fire a fortnight before the date of this letter, on the night of the 29th of December. St. Anthony's Day was June 14th, and her name of Antoinette was regarded as placing her under his especial protection. They have not, however, been preserved. Mercy to Maria Teresa, June 16th, 1773, Arneth, i., p. 467. "Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI., et la Famille Royale", p. 23.

Chir. Review, April, 1850. Hill, of Leuchars. A Series of Cases Illustrating the Contagious Nature of Erysipelas and Puerperal Fever, and their Intimate Pathological Connection. Jour. Med. Sc., July, 1850. Skoda on the Causes of Puerperal Fever. Jour. Med. Sc., October, 1850. Arneth. Paper read before the National Academy of Medicine. Annales d'Hygiene, Tome LXV. 2e Partie. Moir.

Marie Antoinette to Leopold, date December 11th, 1790, Arneth, p. 143. The Marshal de Bouillé, who was La Fayette's cousin, says, in October of this year, "L'évêque de Pamiers me fit le tableau de la situation malheureux de ce prince et de la famille royale ... que la rigueur et dureté de La Fayette, devenu leur geôlier, rendent de jour en jour plus insupportable."

She was again expecting a confinement; but, as had happened between the birth of Madame Royale and that of the dauphin, an accident disappointed her hope, and her third child was not born till 1785. Date September 29th, 1783, Arneth, p. 35. Ministre de la maison du roi. Arneth, p. 38. "Le roi signa une lettre de cachet qui défendait cette représentation."

Weber, i., p. 57, from whom the greater part of those details are taken. For the etiquette of the "jeu," see Madame de Campan, ch. ix., p. 17, and 2 ed. 1858. Mercy to Maria Teresa, June 18th, 1780, Arneth iii., p. 440. Le tabouret. See St. Simon. See infra, the queen's letter to Madame de Tourzel, date July 25th, 1789. "Souvenirs de Quarante Ans," by Mademoiselle de Tourzel, p. 20.

LORD CHESTERFIELD, Letter to Mr. Dayrolles, dated May 19th, 1752. Maria Teresa died in December, 1780. Mme. du Deffand, letter of May 19th, 1770. Chambier, i., p. 60. Mme. de Campan, i., p. 3. He told Mercy she was "'vive et un peu enfant, mais," ajouta-t-il, "cela est bien de son âge." ARNETH, i., p. 11. Arneth, i., p.9-16 Dates 9th and 12th., Arneth, i., pp. 16, 18.

For the importance at this time attached to a reception at court, see Châteaubriand, "Mémoires d'Outre-tombe," i., p. 221. Joseph to Marie Antoinette, date September 9th, 1783. Marie Antoinette, Joseph II., and Leopold II., p.30, which, to save such a lengthened reference, will hereafter be referred to as "Arneth."

The Duc de Noailles, brother-in-law of the countess, "l'homme de France qui a peut-être le plus d'esprit et qui connait le mieux son souverain et la cour," told Mercy in August that "jugeant d'après son expérience et d'après les qualités qu'il voyait dans cette princesse, il était persuadé qu'elle gouvernerait un jour l'esprit du roi." ARNETH, i., p. 34. La petite rousse.

Sc., April, 1849, also in B. and F. Med. Chir. Review, April, 1850. Hill, of Leuchars. A Series of Cases illustrating the Contagious Nature of Erysipelas and of Puerperal Fever, and their Intimate Pathological Connection. Jour. Med. Se., July, 1850. Skoda on the Causes of Puerperal Fever. Jour. Med. Se., October, 1850. Arneth. Paper read before the National Academy of Medicine.