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Twenty-four letters were common to both collections; and as they did not literally agree, troublesome people began to ask questions. The one man able to answer them was Arneth, then deputy keeper of the archives at Vienna, who was employed laying down the great history of Maria Theresa that has made him famous.

Marie Antoinette to Maria Theresa, July 17th, Arneth, ii., p. 8. "Histoire de Marie Antoinette," par M. de Goncourt, p. 50. Quoting an unpublished journal by M.M. Hardy, in the Royal Library. It is the name by which she is more than once described in Madame du Deffand's letters. See her "Correspondence," ii., p. 357. Mercy to Maria Teresa, December 11th, 1773, Arneth, ii., p. 81.

Mercy to Marie Antoinette, May 16th, Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 60. Ibid., p. 140. A resolution, that is, to recognize the Constitution. Arneth, p. 188; Feuillet de Conches, ii, p. 186. The letter took several days to write, and was so interrupted that portions of it have three different dates affixed, August 16th, 21st, 26th.

LORD STANHOPE'S History of England, ch. lxii. "Cette disposition a été faite deux ans plutôt que ne le comporte l'usage établi pour les enfants de France." Mercy to Maria Teresa, October 14th, Arneth, iii. p. 476. Madame de Campan, ch. ix. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i., p. 349.

Sc., April, 1849, also in B. and F. Med. Chir. Review, April, 1850. Hill, of Leuchars. A Series of Cases illustrating the Contagious Nature of Erysipelas and of Puerperal Fever, and their Intimate Pathological Connection. Jour. Med. Se., July, 1850. Skoda on the Causes of Puerperal Fever. Jour. Med. Se., October, 1850. Arneth. Paper read before the National Academy of Medicine.

Date February 18th, 1791, Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 465. "Mirabeau et La Marck," ii., p., 216 date February 3d, 1791. Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 14, date March 7th. Arneth, p. 146, letter of the queen to Leopold, February 27th, 1791. Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 20, date March 20th, 1791. Letter of M. Simolin, the Russian embassador, April 4th, 1791, Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 31.

"Il y a apparence que notre marine dont on s'occupe depuis longtemps va bientôt être en activité. Dieu veuille que tous ces mouvements n'amènent pas la guerre de terre." Marie Antoinette to Maria Teresa, March 18th, 1777, Arneth, iii., p. 174. "Jamais les Anglais n'ont eu tant de supériorité sur mer; mais ils en eurent sur les Français dans tous les temps." Siècle de Louis, ch xxxv.

"Mémoires de la Reine de France," par M. Lafont d'Aussonne, p. 42. See her letters to Mercy, December 26th, 1784, and to the emperor, December 31st, 1784, and February 4th, 1785, Arneth, p. 64, et seq. "J'ai été réellement touchée, de la raison et de la fermeté que le roi a mises dans cette rude séance." Marie Antoinette to Joseph II., August 22d, 1785, Arneth, p. 93.

"Mémoires de Besenval," i., p. 304. Mercy to Maria Teresa, August 14th, 1773, Arneth, ii., p. 31. The money was a joint gift from herself as well as from him. Great distress, arising from the extraordinarily high price of bread, was at this time prevailing in Paris. The term most commonly used by Marie Antoinette in her letters to her mother to describe Madame du Barri.

That reply, very different from the one that has misled every historian, was discovered by Arneth, and was published two years ago by Professor Lenz, who lectures on the Revolution to the fortunate students of Berlin. Sybel inserted it in his review, and rewrote Lenz's article, which upset an essential part of his own structure.