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F. de Conches, p. 264. Madam de Campan, ch. xv. See a letter from M. Huber to Lord Auckland, "Journal and Correspondence of Lord Auckland," ii, p. 365. La Marck et Mirabeau, ii., pp. 90-93, 254. "Arthur Young's Travels," etc., p. 264; date, Paris, January 4th, 1790. Feuillet de Conches, iii., p. 229. Joseph died February 20th. ARNETH, p. 120.

Letter of Marie Antoinette to Maria Teresa, May 15th, 1779, Arneth, iii., p. 311. Maria Teresa had offered the mediation of the empire to restore peace between England and France. Spain had recently entered into the alliance against England in the hope of recovering Gibraltar.

To be issued by the foreign powers. Feuillet de Conches, vi., p. 192, and Arneth, p. 265. The day is not mentioned. "Lettres de la Reine Marie Antoinette

Mercy to Marie-Thérèse, August 4th, 1770; "Correspondance secrète entre Marie-Thérèse et la Comte de Mercy Argenteau, avec des Lettres de Marie-Thérèse et Marie Antoinette," par M. le Chevalier Alfred d'Arneth, i., p. 29. For the sake of brevity, this Collection will be hereafter referred to as "Arneth." "The King of France is both hated and despised, which seldom happens to the same man."

For the emperors, Joseph and Leopold, were the queen's brothers; her sister was regent in the Low Countries, the family ambassador was in her confidence, and the events that brought on the great war, and the war itself, under Clerfayt, Coburg, and the Archduke Charles, can be known there and there only. Once opened, Arneth never afterwards allowed the door to be closed on students.

Marie Antoinette to Maria Teresa, August 12th, 1775, Arneth, ii., p. 366. "Le projet de la reine était d'exiger du roi que le Sieur Turgot fût chassé, même envoyé

The Duc de la Vauguyon, who, after the dauphin's marriage, still retained his post with his younger brother. Mercy's letter to the empress, August 14th, 1772, Arneth, i., p. 335. Mercy to Maria Teresa, November 14th, 1772, Arneth, i., p. 307. Marie Antoinette to Maria Teresa, December 15th, 1772, Arneth, i., p. 382. Her sister Caroline, Queen of Naples.

With great circumspection my unseen protectress had prepared the way for my presentation to the Grand Duchess Helene. I was instructed, in the first place, to make use of a recommendation from Standhartner to Dr. Arneth, the Grand Duchess's private physician, whom he had known in Vienna, in order through him to be introduced to Fraulein von Rhaden, her most confidential lady-in-waiting.

Mercy to Maria Teresa, May 16th, 1776, Arneth, ii., p. 446. January 14th, 1776, Arneth, ii., p. 414. The ground-floor of the palace was occupied by the shops of jewelers and milliners, some of whom were great sufferers by the fire.

"Souvenirs sur Mirabeau," par Étienne Dumont, p. 201. In her letter to Mercy of August 16th, of which extracts are given in ch. xi., she takes credit for having encountered the dangers of the journey to Montmédy for the sake of "the public welfare." Arneth, p. 155. Letter of Leopold to Marie Antoinette, date May 2d, 1791, Arneth, p. 162. "Cette démarche est le terme extrême de réussir ou périr.