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"Get ready for the hundred-mile ten-thousand-dollar-prize race!" shouted the announcer, through his megaphone. Tom's heart gave a bound.

And then came a number on the program that the four girls from Cheslow had impatiently awaited. The announcer (Dakota Joe himself, on horseback and wearing hair to his shoulders

The young Beau Brummel hung up his hat and cane, sank into the easiest chair in the room, and selected a cigarette from a gold-initialed case. "At your service, sir," he said languidly. "Wild Rose on Wild Fire," shouted the announcer through a megaphone trained on the grand stand. Kirby Lane, who was leaning against the fence chatting with a friend, turned round and took notice.

The train announcer, with a megaphone, was calling off a list of towns which a train, on the point of departure, would stop at. Rodney picked one that he had never visited, bought a ticket, walked down the platform past the Pullmans, and found himself a seat in a coach. He found a measure of relief in all this. It gave him the illusion, at least, of doing something.

So far he had been told exactly nothing. And so far he had asked no questions, stubbornly keeping up his end of what he believed to be a tug of wills. At the moment, safely alone and lying flat on his bunk he eyed the announcer, a very dangerous young man and one who refused to yield an inch.

"Perhaps she had the same grave doubt about being able to be good that the little boy felt who was saying his prayers," Belle said. "He prayed: 'Dear God, please make me a good boy and if You don't at first succeed, try, try again!" "But oh! some of the problems are so hard," sighed Lluella. "'The Mournful Sisters' will now give their famous sketch," laughed Ruth, as announcer.

Foster was standing near to catch his room-mate, and as he wrapped the bath robe around him, he said: "It's all right, Will; you're in the finals." "First two taken?" gasped Will. "Yes." "Hold on. Let's hear the time," said Will, stopping abruptly as the announcer advanced. "Hundred-yards dash, first heat," called the senior, "Won by number ten. Second, number fifteen.

For some unaccountable reason the dispatches were delayed and a much longer interval than usual intervened before the welcome yellow slip was handed to the announcer. Murmurs of disappointment were heard on every side, and it became more evident with every passing moment that hope had mostly been lost.

Tarrano! He rose slowly to his feet, his gaze on us for an instant, then turning to Argo. "So! You took them? Well done, Argo!" His gesture dismissed his subordinate; Argo backed from the room. From a disc, an announcer was detailing dispatches. Tarrano frowned slightly. He advanced to us as we three stood together. I had heard Elza give a low, surprised cry as we entered.

She kept her eyes fastened to the blackboard until the announcer called the number of the track and wrote it down in his slow deliberate hand. From that minute to the time when the first porter came up the stairs and through the gate seemed an eternity, but at last Tom's head and shoulders appeared above the crowd.