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"These butterflies are rare and scarce and " "Hard to catch!" remarked someone not on the programme. "Now there will be ten minutes' intermission," the announcer said, "so all may have time to see everything in the menagerie. "After that we will give you the best number of the programme, our chariot race." "Oh, that's going to be Tom!" exclaimed Roy. "No, it's Bert," said Flossie.

Then comes the dreadful doubt of one's own sanity, the terrible announcer that THAT doubt will soon become fear, and THAT fear certainty.

It seemed to her that Ponta was working himself into a rage. Joe returned the gaze with mild boy's eyes, but his face grew serious. The announcer escorted a third man to the centre of the ring, a genial- faced young fellow in shirt-sleeves. "Eddy Jones, who will referee this contest," said the announcer.

"Ocho!" cried the announcer, and a card bearing the numeral "8" was raised. The paper was replaced inside the ivory ball, the ball itself was dropped into the wire cage, the door was closed, and once more the cage was spun. Kirk was much interested in the scene, not from any faintest hope that he would draw a prize, but purely from the novel atmosphere and color of the thing.

Cowder cut off with a sharp click, and Mike the Angel looked quizzically at the dead screen. Was he imagining things, or was there a peculiar note in Cowder's voice? Two minutes later he got his answer. Mike the Angel was sitting behind his desk in his private office when the announcer chimed.

After it had alighted and the measurers had laid their tapes on the course, the announcer megaphoned, amid a perfect tornado of roars and cheers: "The last flight, ladies and gentlemen and apparently the winning one accomplished the remarkable distance of four hundred and fifty feet four hundred and fifty feet."

The dancing witches now threw each her ingredient on the building itself, and the gray pall began to lighten, a bright, new-painted front shone forth. Inside, the single bulbs blacked out for an instant, and then a soft light showed through curtained windows, a bright new scene dimly apparent through the curtains. "This is not just an illusion," the deep voice of the announcer continued.

Just then we hears the announcer sing out through a megaphone: "'The o-o-owner of Count Nobul-l-l-l is wanted in the judge's stand! "'Oy, oy! says Joe. 'You'll need that kale you're goin' to lose your happy home. It's Katy bar the door fur yours, Bud! "'Don't worry watch me tell it to 'em, I says to Joe, as I stuffs the roll 'n' starts fur the stand. I was feelin' purty good.

Witch would pay for the expensive operation needed to make a little girl walk again after a crippling disease several years before. Bone would be grafted, new muscles would be grafted, American medical know-how in its full extent would be put at her service. Keep healthy by keeping clean with Witch, the announcer suggested.

The announcer took advantage of the pause thus artfully contrived to urge upon the spectators the advisability of standing well back from the guard ropes. Every precaution had been taken, he informed them, every possible safeguard provided, but for their own sakes it were well to be on the prudent side in case the dauntless trainer should lose control over his dangerous pupil.