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"Peu d'intimités d'hommes. Amitié amoureuse? Friendship akin to love? The English language, so rich in synonyms, owns no exact equivalent for this French phrase, expressive though it be of a phase of human emotion as old as human nature itself. Vanderlyn looked up. His eyes met squarely those of the other man.

La' du plaisant Avril la saison imortelle Sans eschange le suit, La terre sans labeur, de sa grasse mamelle, Tout chose y produit; D'enbas la troupe sainte autrefois amoureuse, Nous honorant sur tous, Viendra nous saluer, s'estimant bien-heureuse De s'accointer de nous.

Every one fell on it, and three dishes were devoured. We had also alamode beef, cold fowl, a loin of veal, a dessert, and excellent wine. What a charming dinner! No cheer like a good appetite. Their harmony, however, was disturbed. The 'première amoureuse, who, in spite of her rank and title, was ugly and cross, and required to be coaxed with cups of chocolate, lost her cat.

I know the Princess Amelia; I have known her too long, not to know that she would not so quickly, and without a struggle, sacrifice her love; and further when I saw at the last court-ball, with what a long and dreary face you stood behind the chair of the poor Marwitz, and with what calm and smiling content the princess watched the couple amoureuse, look you, Trenck, then I knew and understood all."

Le monde tout étincelle, Mais ou rien n'est enflammé, Pourvu que vous soyez belle, Sera charmé. Mon coeur, dans l'ombre amoureuse, l'énivrent deux beaux yeux, Pourvu que tu sois heureuse, Sera joyeux. That was all. But she shook as though a miracle had been enacted.

He was ever so whimsical about the way in which the suffrage movement had cheated him of the chance to find a "grande amoureuse." He sat opposite Una in the train and solemnly read his golden book. He did not see Una watch with shy desire every movement of a baby that was talking to its mother in some unknown dialect of baby-land.

They set a positive value on the intense, the exceptional; and a certain distortion is sometimes noticeable in them, as in conceptions like Victor Hugo's Quasimodo, or Gwynplaine, something of a terrible grotesque, of the macabre, as the French themselves call it; though always combined with perfect literary execution, as in Gautier's La Morte Amoureuse, or the scene of the "maimed" burial-rites of the player, dead of the frost, in his Capitaine Fracasse true "flowers of the yew."

There were the numerous tales, tales as perfect as the world has ever seen; "La Morte Amoureuse," "Jettatura," "Une Nuit de Cléopâtre," etc., and then the very diamonds of the crown, "Les Emaux et Camées," "La Symphonie en Blanc Majeure," in which the adjective blanc and blanche is repeated with miraculous felicity in each stanza. And then Contralto,

"A definite scheme of ill-doing," Aynesworth ventured to suggest, "would be more satisfactory?" "Exactly," he admitted. He called for the bill, and his eyes wandered once more around the room as the waiter counted out the change. The band were playing the "Valse Amoureuse"; the air was grown heavy with the odor of tobacco and the mingled perfumes of flowers and scents.

"What has marriage necessarily to do with love? There is more honesty and stimulation in the life-story of any grande amoureuse than a dozen of your stodgy fraus." "I'm going to bed," declared Will Brent. "But leave Alexander alone. I don't think she'd see eye to eye with you on the subject of the grande amoureuse." "That only foreshadows a duel of wills conflict drama."