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The moment the words passed his lips, the Honourable Elijah Pogram looked round again. 'This morbid hatred of our Institutions, he observed, 'is quite a study for the psychological observer. He's alludin' to Repudiation now! 'Oh! you may make anything an Institution if you like, said Martin, laughing, 'and I confess you had me there, for you certainly have made that one.

Bud had just returned from Soldier Butte, where he had been spending the afternoon. "What's devouring you now?" asked Ben Tremont. "Or is it just one of your weekly sillies?" "Who are yer alludin' at?" asked Bud loftily. "As you were going to say " suggested Kit, looking at Bud. "Boys, thar's goin' ter be a 'rent rag' in the Butte ter-morrer night, an' we all have an urgent bid ter be present."

'Bail? Why, I don't know nothin' about bail, Jane! How d'you do it? I hadn't never nothing to do with folks as got locked up. 'I don't suppose you never had, Jim, till now. 'Nay, hang it, Jenny, I wasn't for alludin' to that! Give me my coat. How much money have we in the house? I've sixpence 'apenny i' my pocket. 'It ain't done with money; you'll have to sign something, I think. 'All right.

Here's a man stayin' with you for weeks and weeks eatin' and drinkin' the flesh off your bones without payin' a far " "Hush, hush, mother; it's all right," said poor Crowl, red as fire. Denzil looked at her dreamily. "Is it possible you are alluding to me, Mrs. Crowl?" he said. "Who then should I be alludin' to, Mr. Cantercot? Here's seven weeks come and gone, and not a blessed 'aypenny have I "

O ye Swords that have sung in the grasp of my greatest! Swords of Jehangar, Akbar, Alamgir! Swords of Alludin, Humayun, Shah Jehan! Swords of Timur-Leng, Arungzeb, Rao Rutton!..." The invocation seemed interminable. Amber recognised almost every name noted in the annals and legends of Hindustan.... "Hearken, O my Swords! He, thy Chosen, prayeth for entry! What is thy welcome?"

"I said I didn't know as it was required, but I could get one, I says, not knowing what he was alludin' to all the same." I saw through his rouge with half an eye." "Why, he said the same to me," said Eliza, "only I had a pass, as luck had it, which Miss Barbara give me. I'd ha' boxed his ears if he'd tried it, too, master or no master!"

For you've had a decentish lot of narrow escapes, Toby, my boy!" pursues the oracular Captain Bingo, disregarding his junior's forbidding scowl, "and come out of a goodish few tight places, and you've got out of 'em, if I may say so, more through luck than wit; but that little entanglement I'm delicately alludin' to was one of the closest things on record in the career of a Prodigal Son."

When Mrs Pinhorn spoke to him, he fingered his cheek thoughtfully, took off his hat, and passed his hand over his high bald forehead. "What name may you be alludin' to, ma'am?" he enquired very politely. "The name `Lilac' as Mrs James White's goin' to call her child." "Lilac eh! Lilac White. White Lilac," repeated the cobbler musingly.

But I wuz alludin' to his appetite, I have hearn that he had a splendid and immense appetite." Josiah acted huffy, and I drawed his attention off onto the corners of base relief and the white statters ornamentin' the ruff. To our great sorrow, we found that Emperor William wuzn't to home.

"Now these things did sound so cool an' good to me on that br'ilin' deck that I couldn't stand it, an' I leans over to Andy, an' I says: `Now look-a here; if you don't shut up talkin' about them things what's stowed below, an' what we can't git at nohow, overboard you go! `That would make you short-handed, says Andy, with a grin. `Which is more'n you could say, says I, `if you'd chuck Tom an' me over' alludin' to his eleven-inch grip.