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Here are you sent with me, to prevent my innocent youth getting into snares " "I wish your innocent youth were cut short with a halter, with all my heart," said Adam, who began to see which way the admonition tended.

The Count came promptly to the rescue of his friend. "Ho! Again you lay your guilt upon others. Those miners at Sheep Camp let you off easy. Well, a pretty woman can do much with a miners' meeting, but here there will be no devoted lady to the rescue no skirt to hide behind, for " Courteau got no further. Ignoring Rock's previous admonition, Pierce knocked the fellow down with a swift, clean blow.

You are alarmed now, and there comes to you the admonition of an old duck hunter, who laid down the following three rules for duck shooting, viz: "First, lead them considerably. "Second, lead them a little more than last time. "Third, still lead them further yet." The next time you get your bird, a great big, magnificent Can.

Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

As to the boys, those who were of an excitable temperament, looked quite pale with suspense, now the long-expected moment was come. Channing? Huntley? Yorke? which of the three would it be? It would be superfluous in me to add a word to the admonition given you by the Very Reverend the Dean, as to your future conduct and scholarly improvement.

The mere natural acts of feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty, of visiting the sick, and those who lie in prison, of clothing the naked and entertaining strangers, will not save us in our last day, if we have neglected the higher duties involved in the divine admonition.

Butler replied, "That he had not attended to the risk of ill-usage which the poor woman might undergo at the hands of the rabble, and that he would give her the necessary admonition in private, instead of bringing her before the assembled session." "This," Duncan said, "was speaking like a reasonable shentleman;" and so the evening passed peaceably off.

And while he was about it, he took time briefly to offer up thanks that the shock of his wound seemed to have sobered the boy completely. Opening the door, he craned his neck out to establish communication with the ear of the chauffeur; to whom he repeated the address, adding an admonition to avoid the Monastery until certain he had shaken off pursuit, if any; and dodged back.

We can almost trace our friend "Second Fiddle" directly back to such a childhood. We can almost hear his fond mother shout, "Keep away from the brook, darling, you might get your feet wet and catch your death of a cold." Another well known and highly respected admonition belonging to childhood's hour is, "Come in, deary, it's getting dark Bogie man will get you if you don't watch out."

And, with a smile to the crowd and an admonition to those about her not to let the bride suffer from this interruption, she disappeared through the great front door on the arm of the man who for five years had held her prisoner in her own house. I went back into the drawing-room, and the five minutes which elapsed between that moment and that of his return were the most awful of my life.