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"Come, that's better. What has the young woman been a-doing of?" "Run away, or something. I overheard mamma telling old Lady Calvert; but they nodded and winked and interjected I couldn't clearly make it out. I was writing a letter at the davenport, and in the glass opposite observed them.

"There IS a way, commander," says Phil, looking cunningly at him, "of settling this." "Paying the money, I suppose? I wish I could." Phil shakes his head. "No, guv'ner, no; not so bad as that. There IS a way," says Phil with a highly artistic turn of his brush; "what I'm a-doing at present." "Whitewashing." Phil nods. "A pretty way that would be!

If I took the same to-morrow night, why, it wouldn't surprise me, especially as I want to hear all you've been a-doing in those foreign parts, tumbling over precipices and the rest. So good-bye, my dear, and God bless you. Lord! it seems only the other day that I was giving you your bottle."

The feller that did has went. I'm going to get you out of this. Where you hurt?" "Hip," he says, "but that ain't much. The thing that bothers me is this arm. It's done busted. I fell on it." I drug him out of the road and back of the lumber pile I had been laying on, and hurt him considerable a-doing it. "Now," I says, "what can I do fur you?"

"Messire," quoth the young knight, stifling his groans, "art very strong and wondrous gentle withal!" Now while this was a-doing, the young knight must needs talk. "Ho!" cried he, "'twas a good fight, messire, and he who gave me this was none other than Benedict of Bourne himself whom our good Duke doth fondly imagine pent up within Thrasfordham!

While this was a-doing I stared up at the pimento tree, and bethinking me of Black Bartlemy and the poor Spanish lady and of my hateful dream, I felt sudden great shame, for here had I crushed my lady in arms as cruel well-nigh as his. This put me to such remorse that I might not lie still and strove to rise up, yet got no further than my knees; and 'twas thus she found me. "Why must she weep?"

I send my soul perpetually out to see what you are a-doing wish I could convey my body with it adieu, dear and kind girl. Ever your kind friend and affectionate admirer. "I go to the oratorio this night. My service to your mamma."

Next he told how her father had discovered what was a-doing, and had taken her away from him so that he never saw her again, and his heart was sometimes like to break; how this morn, only one short month and a half from the time that he had seen her last, he had heard and knew it to be so, that she was to marry old Sir Stephen of Trent, two days hence, for Ellen's father thought it would be a grand thing to have his daughter marry so high, albeit she wished it not; nor was it wonder that a knight should wish to marry his own sweet love, who was the most beautiful maiden in all the world.

Wot she's a-doing on, sir?" he replied, repeating my own words and mouthing them over with much gusto. "Why, sir, she's going sixteen knots still, and the bloomin' old grampus has been keeping it up since four bells.

Aleck rose with a sigh and crossed the room, and the maid came in with a covered plate of something hot which emitted an appetising odour. "It's very good of you, Jane," began Aleck; "but " "My! You are a sight, Master Aleck! Whatever have you been a-doing to yourself?" "Fighting, I tell you," said the boy, smiling in the middle-aged maid's homely face. "Who with, my dear?"