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"Well, well, you do know what you want," fawned the shoeman. "Those pigskins are a very fine grade of shoe, and very inexpensive, very good for tramping " "Yump. They'll do." "Going to be with us long?" inquired the shoeman, after trying on the shoes and cursing out Peter, the adenoidic clerk, in an abstracted, hopeless manner. "Nope." Father was wonderfully bored and superior.

Und Ay suspect strongly that my partner out at das stables, Carol Linescu, sviped das Earl's cuff-buttons. Ay saw das rascal hiding someding in das hay up in the loft last evening, und Ay bet you, by Golly, that if you yump on him, you vill find that he is das tief. So!" And the fat little coachman looked around with a cherubic smile on his face. "All right, Yensie, maybe we will. You're excused.

That evening he had sulkily come home and poked about in front of the house, chipping off the walk the ice-clots, like fossil footprints, made by the steps of passers-by during the recent snow. Howard Littlefield came up snuffling. "Still a widower, George?" "Yump. Cold again to-night." "What do you hear from the wife?" "She's feeling fine, but her sister is still pretty sick."

But nearer at hand, beside the bank of the river where the bulk of the dam reared itself, a solitary light gleamed. "That's the watchman," McCrae whispered. "We're in luck, boys. He's on this side." "Say, Ay sneak up on dat faller," Oscar proposed. "Ay mek von yump so! and Ay gat him in de neck." He uttered a horrible sound, suggestive of death by strangulation.

He was an adventurer and he felt that Father Appleby would understand his little-appreciated gallantry. He continued, "The madam with you?" "Yump." "Say uh if I may be so bold and just suggest it, we'd be honored if you and the madam could take dinner at our house and tell us about your trip. The wife and me was talking about it just this morning.

He cannot moof, so full mit gabbages are he. No, he didn't yump, he yoost sving himself over mit dot fence." "Slush! Yer gittin' plumb dotty. No pig could swing hisself over thet fence." "But it's der only vay vat he could, und Song, der Chineser cook, saw him did it." "You don't believe what a Chinyman tells yer, do yer?" "What did Song say?

French Louis rumbled above the cheers. "Hold on!" Olaf Henderson cried. "I ban yust as good as you, Louis. I yump half that bet." Put on the scales, Daylight's sack was found to balance an even four hundred dollars, and Louis and Olaf divided the bet between them. Fifty-pound sacks of flour were brought in from MacDonald's cache. Other men tested their strength first.

Used to be in business. Pilkings & Son's, little old New York. Me and old Pilky practically started the business together, as you might say." "Well, well, well, well!" The shoeman stared in reverent amazement. Then, as he could think of nothing further to say, he justly observed, "Well!" "Yump. That reminds me. Make that boy of yours rearrange that counter case there.

We handle them as fast as they swing them in from the mill dock." "Yump in an' do somedings yourself," Kjellin growled. "Don't stand roundt like a young leddy." "D'ye mean you want I should mule shingles round in this hold like a longshoreman?" "Sure! Ve got to get to sea Sunday morning, und every liddle bit helps." "Well, then you'll get along without my little bit.

"If you tell me not," he says excitedly, laying one hand on the rail and looking greatly wrought-up, tragic and comical all at once, "if you tell me not," he repeats, raising his voice, "I yump in dthe vater." I tighten my hold on his arm, trying not to let him see how much I want to laugh. "Of course, one loves one's friends; don't be silly." A quick light leaps into the dark eyes.