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"Yump, we hit it up after we struck the good going on the lake." "Seems kind of slow though, after driving an auto." "Yump, it does, at that. Say, how'd you make out with that Sphinx tire you got?" "Seems to hold out fine. Still, I don't know's I like it any better than the Roadeater Cord." "Yump, nothing better than a Roadeater. Especially the cord. The cord's lots better than the fabric."

G.v.d.M. "Oh!" exclaimed Magnus, "you shouldn't talk so! Ve got plenty to eat. Dere bane lots people in Norvay would yump at de shance to yange places wit' us. What nice land here in Iovay! Some day you bane rich man. All dis slew bane some day dry for plow. I see it in Norvay and Sveden.

Oscar was still too frightened to muster his scant English, but Lindquist talked for him. "He say like dis, sir, Nils ban at da wheel when he koom aft, oond den he yump vrom der wheel oond run for'ard yust like da time da captain thoomp him." "Rot!" says Lynch. "My man, have you permitted a ghost stand your trick at the wheel?" This last to Newman. "Hardly a ghost, sir," answered Newman.

"I'm glad," said Carol to Kennicott as they stooped before the northwest gale which was torturing the barren street, "that this is a moral country. We don't allow any of these beastly frank novels." "Yump. Vice Society and Postal Department won't stand for them. The American people don't like filth." "Yes. It's fine. I'm glad we have such dainty romances as 'Right on the Coco' instead."

Business conditions not very good down there," said one of the council. "Is that a fact! Not very good, eh?" "No, didn't strike me they were up to normal." "Not up to normal, eh?" "No, I wouldn't hardly say they were." The whole council nodded sagely and decided, "Yump, not hardly up to snuff." "Well, business conditions ain't what they ought to be out West, neither, not by a long shot."

"Vun faller shoot me on de head, but de bullet yump off sidevays. Ju bet MacNair, he gif dem haal!" At the mention of MacNair's name Chloe sprang to her feet and continued along the cordon. One end of the storehouse and half the roof was ablaze, while thick, heavy smoke curled from beneath the full length of the eaves and through the chinkings of the logs.

And, to herself, "Golly, it's such a relief not to have to try to be gracious and aphoristic and repartistic and everything with Jeff." And, "But I wonder if I am aphoristic and subtle? I wonder if when she gets the rice-powder off, Claire isn't a lot more like Milt than she thought?" And, aloud again, "Oh, this is " "Yump. It sure is," Milt agreed.

It showed a baby playing with kittens. "Why!" gasped Mother "why why, it's just like the picture it is the picture that we got when Lulu was born that we had to leave on the Cape." "Yump," said Father. He still smiled strangely. He pointed at the table between the twin beds. On the table was a little brown, dusty book. Mother gazed at it dazedly.

"Yump, you said something Roadeater's a good tire." "Say, how'd you come out with Pete Garsheim on his payments?" "He's paying up pretty good. That's a nice piece of land he's got." "Yump, that's a dandy farm." "Yump, Pete's got a good place there." They glided from these serious topics into the jocose insults which are the wit of Main Street. Sam Clark was particularly apt at them.

"This is my lunch. I'm a business woman, not just a woman," she said to Mr. Sidney; and she rapidly ordered a lunch which was shockingly imitative of one which Mr. Fein had once ordered for her. "Prett' hot day for April," said Mr. Sidney. "Yes.... Is the White Line going well?" "Yump. Doing a land-office business." "You're having trouble with your day clerk at Brockenfelt, I see."