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You's got to keep youse'f mighty straight, you Peggy, when you gits whar ole Miss Keswick is. Don' you come none ob your fool tricks, or she kunjer you, an' one ob your legs curl up like a pig's tail, an' neber uncurl no moh'. How you like dat?"

"Oh, that's too long a story," said Miss Annie, with a laugh. "You know I hadn't seen Aunt Keswick, then. I couldn't go about introducing myself to other people before I had seen her." Aunt Patsy gave a sagacious nod of her head. "I reckon you thought she'd be right much disgruntled when she heered you was mar'ed, an' you wanted to tell her youse'f. But I's pow'ful glad dat it's all right now.

Cameron rolled over and came close against the little half-breed, bound as he was himself. Again came the "hist!" "Me all lak' youse'f," said Jerry. "No spik any. Look out front." The Indian on guard was eagerly looking and listening to what was going on before him beside the fire. At one side of the circle sat the Indians in council. Copperhead was standing and speaking to them.

"What you want?" said matter-of-fact Charlie. "I come to trade." The low-down relative drew the worsted off his ears. "Oh! yass," he said with an uncertain air. "Well, old man Charlie, what you say: my house for yours, like you said, eh, Charlie?" "I dunno," said Charlie; "it's nearly mine now. Why you don't stay dare youse'f?" "Because I don't want!" said the Colonel savagely.

So Freddy told her all about his mother, and about the good fortune that had come to her. "Fifty-two weeks solid! Some ac' to get that kinda bookin, huh?" he ended. "Yes! Oh, yes, indeed!" "There y'ah now! Look at youse'f! See if it's a'right." Madame d'Avala turned to the mirror. Her gown fell in serene, lovely folds. It seemed incredible that it was the little demon of a few minutes before.

Le' um look 'bout um, and see wha' he want; and ef you wants to be friendly wid um, gee um somet'ing youse'f dat knife burn bright in he eye! Gee um dat, and le's be moving! Maussa da wait! Ef you's a coming for trade in we country, you mus' drop de little bizness 'taint 'spectable in Car'lina." The pedler was rebuked. He looked first at Cæsar, then at Chub, and finally handed the boy the knife.