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Kaptin dal wint to sanfransisky last munth an hees paid of the det to mister zooleeno, interest an all, so yoor free, an' theres a big sum in the bank, but i dont no ritely how much, but Kaptin dal is to rite yoo soon as to that an' a good many other things, he's too much exited about the nugit just now to midle wid the pen, so he's maid me his depity, dee see, an its that saim im allways willin to be, for im at all times as kool as a kookumber, an had a first-rate eddikashun good luk to the parish praist, anyhow theres a good skreed to begin wid, an' so as theres enuff in this part o' me leter to kaip ye thinkin till dinner, ill just go out an have another dig in the straim an resoom me pen when i cum bak.

He went to the Economy post office and on the back of a circular that he found in the waste basket he wrote another note: "Pat. This is blood money an' I can't kep it. I didunt no when I undertuk the job wot kind of a job it was. Thers only one way fur yoo to kep yur hid saf, an that is to tel the trooth abot wot hapuned. If yoo ar wiling to tel the trooth put a leter heer sayin so.

"Now sur, i must cloas, not becaws my papers dun, no nor yet my idees, but becaws a nods as good as a wink yoo no the rest. Wot ive said is troo as gospl it's of no use tryn to find owt hoo i am, caws whi yoo kant, and if yoo cood it wood doo yoo no good. "Yoors to comand, "The riter."

But, bless yo, it bean't gooin to be a dark neet, and he pointed to the moon. 'They'll be here afore yoo goo to bed. An if yo want onybody to help yo gie Davy a bastin, just coo me, Mr. Grieve. Good neet to yo. Reuben fidgeted restlessly all the evening. He gave the animal her food and clean litter, doing everything more clumsily than usual.

Although much of Flaggan's language was incomprehensible to the pretty Sicilian, it was sufficiently clear to her sharp intelligence to enable her to follow the drift of his meaning; she blushed, as she turned away her head with a queen-like grace peculiarly Italian, and said "When yoo go hoff to seek?" "This werry minit," answered the sailor.

"And yoo sure," asked the girl, with rekindled earnestness in her large black eyes, "dat all Rimini safe Francisco an' Mar " "Ah, all safe, Mariano inclusive," said the sailor, with an intelligent nod. "I sees how the land lies. Depend on it that young feller ain't likely to part with his skin without a pretty stiffish spurt for it."

Mikky sought his room and laboriously spelled out with lately acquired clumsiness a letter to Buck: "Dear Buck we mussent yuz endecent langwidg enay moor ner swar. God donte lyk it an' it ain't educated. I want you an' me to be educate. I ain't gone to, donte yoo ner let de kids. Mikky."

Dooley, I thought it a curiously far-fetched idea on the part of that philosopher to talk of Admiral Dewey as his "Cousin George," and assert that "Dewey" and "Dooley" were practically the same name. I had not then noticed that the American pronunciation of "Dewey" is "Dooey," and that the liquid "yoo" is very seldom heard in America.

A young Moor, with a red fez, sat twanging a little guitar, the body of which was half a cocoa-nut, covered with parchment. This musician produced very dismal tones from its two strings, but the Arabs seemed content, and sat in silent, not to say dignified, enjoyment of it. "Eat away now," whispered Rais to Flaggan, as they entered "cross yoo legs, look solemn, an' hold yoos tongue.

Keep 'er steady a point morer to the westward so, yoo can't go wrong." Instead of obeying orders, Ted Flaggan turned, and, with an amused smile, watched the retreating figure of the interpreter.