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"You've got to go away," said the doctor one morning. "You are probably aware that your nerves have gone to pieces. The sea is the place for you!" The gasp that followed was scarcely audible, and the doctor missed it. "You went to Tryn yr Wylfa about this time last year," continued the doctor. "Go there again! Go for long walks on the mountains, and put up at a temperance hotel."

Then Black Angus made overtures to Ebenezer, who carried the little raccoon on his back. Ebenezer received them with a mixture of dignity and doubt, but refused to stir an inch from the Boy's side. Black Angus scratched his head in perplexity. "'Tain't no use tryn' to lead him, I reckon!" he muttered. "No, you'll have to carry him in your arms, Mr. MacAllister," laughed the Boy.

"Now sur, i must cloas, not becaws my papers dun, no nor yet my idees, but becaws a nods as good as a wink yoo no the rest. Wot ive said is troo as gospl it's of no use tryn to find owt hoo i am, caws whi yoo kant, and if yoo cood it wood doo yoo no good. "Yoors to comand, "The riter."

"But you can't get away from the facts, you know, Cargill." Cargill said no more. He perceived that they had lived long enough in retirement in the little Welsh village to have acquired a pride in its legend. The legend and the mountains are the two attractions of Tryn yr Wylfa the official guidebook devotes an equal amount of space to each.

She met him each morning after that, so that she was with him on the day when he made his atonement. There had been a violent storm in the early morning. It had driven one of the quarry steamers on to the long sand-bank that lies submerged between Tryn yr Wylfa and Puffin Island. The gale still lasted, and the steamer was in momentary danger of becoming a complete wreck.

He went to Tryn yr Wylfa. The train journey of six hours knocked him up for another week. By the time he was strong enough for the promenade it was the fourteenth of June. He noticed the date on the hotel calendar, and realised that the Fates had another ten days in which to drown him. He did not call on the Lardners. He felt that he couldn't after the canal episode.

Hun'erds ob times he say, 'Chunk, we go back some day, sho! But he do he duty brabe. I go wid 'im ev'ywhar en onst, des on de aige ob night, he wuz ridin' long wid 'bout twenty ob he men en dis ting happen. We didn't tink any Rebs roun' en I'd been kep' back tryn' ter git a chicken fer mars'r's supper. Ez I riz a hill, ridin' right smart I see our folks goin' easy en car'less inter a woods.

"You may say what you like," returned his hostess impressively, "but since first we came to live at Tryn yr Wylfa only four people besides poor Roberts have defied the Fates, and each of them was drowned within the year. "They were all tourists," she added with something suspiciously like satisfaction. "I am not a superstitious man myself," supplemented the Major.

Why, I couldn't do 'nuff for him in tryn' to make him forget all the hard times he'd had. Then says she, 'You would twit the child with bein' weak, puny, and deformed, would you? I was now hobblin' up and down the room in a great state of excitement, and says I, 'Mrs.

There is no lifeboat service at Tryn yr Wylfa. It was impossible to launch an ordinary boat in such a sea. Colonel Denbigh, the owner of the quarry and local magnate, who had been superintending what feeble efforts had been made to effect a rescue, answered gloomily when Betty Lardner asked him if there were any hope. "It's a terrible thing," he jerked.