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"Dis nigger done got but one head, and it's wuf more to him dan it is to any oder feller, massa; and it don't do for him to tell no stories about vessels and steamers," replied Quimp, shaking his head more vigorously. "I suppose you have a family, Quimp?" "No, sar; done got no family. De ole woman done gone to glory more'n ten years ago, and de boys done growed up and gone off.

"I dunno ez hit's wuf w'ile ter tell you dis," he said, at length. "I doan ha'dly 'spec' fer you ter b'lieve it. Does you 'member dat club-footed man w'at hilt de hoss fer you de yuther day w'en you was gittin' out'n de rockaway down ter Mars Archie McMillan's sto'?" "Yes, I believe I do remember seeing a club-footed man there." "Did you eber see a club-footed nigger befo' er sence?"

"If it's in your breeches pocket you must have squashed it, then!" said Brown referring to the slap. "Anyhow, if you've got it, hold on to it an' let's hear what it is." "No not now. All in good time. Patience, my frind, is a virtoo wuf cultivation " "You needn't go for to tell that to a Bagnio slave like me, Mister Peter.

'Wuf, wuf, said the dog. 'Sore was the plight of thy wife and thy horses when the giant drove them last night through the forest. 'That is why I have come; answered the king, and suddenly his heart seemed to fail him and he felt that he could not go on. 'I cannot fight that giant, he cried, looking at the dog with a white face. 'I am afraid, let me turn homewards.

"How much was the punt worth?" "Dat boat wan't no punk, massa, and it was wuf two dollars in good money," replied the colored man, his eyes brightening, and his expression of cunning becoming more intense, when he realized the possibility of being paid for his loss.

The old man strove to straighten my short queue, but found it hopeless, so tied it close and dusted on the French powder. "Curly head, curly head," he muttered to himself. "Dess lak yo' pap's!... an' Miss Dorry's. Law's sakes, dishyere hair wuf mo'n eight dollar." "You think my hair worth more than eight dollars?" I asked, amused. "H'it sho'ly am, suh." "But why eight dollars, Cato?"

Is dat a cha'm fer ter keep off witches, er is it a noo kine er neckliss yer got? "Po' Dave didn' knowed w'at ter do. De las' one he had 'pended on fer ter stan' by 'im had gone back on 'im, en dey didn' 'pear ter be nuffin mo' wuf libbin' fer.