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I have seen dissipated young men who complained of the numbness of a finger or two and the corresponding portion of the hand and wrist, who probably did not themselves suspect the cause; but I never knew the disorder permanently removed, except by a removal of the cause which produced it. Apoplexy. This has occasionally happened; though more rarely.

The killed and wounded were less than six hundred men; but among the former, was the commander in chief. This gallant officer, whose rare merit, and lamented fate, have presented a rich theme for panegyric to both the poet and historian, received a ball in his wrist in the commencement of the action; but, wrapping a handkerchief around his arm, he continued to encourage his troops.

"You have had a dreadful time, I hear it was the wrist, wasn't it?" She felt she was beginning badly; although conscious of her nervous joy and her desire to conceal it, somehow it seemed hard for her to say the right thing. "Oh, I reckon it was everything, Miss Ruth, but it's all over now." He was not nervous. He was in an ecstasy.

It was Framtree who tore her loose, and tightened upon her wrist until the fingers opened and the little knife concealed how long in her hair? dropped like a feather to the carpet. Swiftly it had let out the life of the Spaniard.... Bedient opened the galley-door at a gesture from the woman. The Chinese came forth. "It was I your mistress, Boy who killed the Señor. You may look.

Without further speech the old man rolled up his sleeves and addressed himself to his task. Not without skill, he approached the broken ends of the ulna, which was fractured above the wrist. Having done this without much difficulty he called out for splints, and when some pieces of thin wood were brought him he had them shaped to his needs, adjusted about them his bandage and made all fast.

Tell me that you do not love me. I am a proud man, I will not sue in forma pauperis. If you do not love me, Margaret, you are free to go." Margaret bowed her head, and moved slowly towards the door. "You are going Miss Wilmot!" "Yes, I am going. Farewell, Mr. Austin." Clement caught the retreating girl by her wrist. "You shall not go thus, Margaret Wilmot!" he cried, passionately "not thus!

It had been sharpened and thrust under the wrist skin of a human hand a dried hand, not of a white man, but a red. A half-corroded bracelet of copper still clung to the wrist. "If I read signs right, that's why!" commented Bill Jackson. "But how do you explain it?" queried Hall. "Why should they do that? And how could they, in so close a fight?" "They couldn't," said Jackson.

Even those who had never seen the white scars on Dick Venner's wrist, or heard the half-told story of her supposed attempt to do a graver mischief, knew well enough by looking at her that she was one of the creatures not to be tampered with, silent in anger and swift in vengeance. Helen could not return to the bedside at once after this communication.

The first garment of a young baby should not be more than a yard in length from the neck to the bottom of the hem, and three-quarters of a yard is enough for the inner garment. The sleeves, too, should be large and loose, and the arm-size should be roomy, so as to prevent chafing. The sleeves may be tied in at the wrist with a ribbon to insure warmth. Lightness of weight.

He was a tall young chap in a Norfolk suit with a soft silk collar and scarlet tie, russia-leather shoes and a watch in an alligator case on his left wrist. A gentleman evidently by the look of him and when he said to me, in the refined voice of the ordinary university man, 'Are you walking down country? I made up my mind that he was O. K. and began to converse.