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It's a time when you got to show off before your neighbors. You women make yourselves and us men sick the way you carry on all through December. And the children! they're worse'n the grown-ups. "Old-fashioned Christmas was like old-fashioned circuses mostly meant for the young ones.

"Don't do that, Joey," commanded Mother Pepper, quickly, "you'll make it bleed worse'n ever. Dear me! I should think it was wet!" suppressing a shiver, as she rapidly unwound the old cloth, now very red. "Come here, over the basin." And presently the poor hand was washed off again with warm water, the long cut closed, and the strip of black court plaster stuck firmly over the wound.

Uncle Amos says still she's prickly like a chestnut burr. Jiminy crickets, she's worse'n any burr I ever seen!" "Well," the girl said thoughtfully, "but chestnut burrs are like velvet inside. Mebbe she'd be nice inside if only abody had the dare to find out." "Ach, come on," urged the boy, impatient at the girl's philosophy. "Mom wants you to fit.

There's nothing I hate worse'n profanity in a human being, but in a parrot, that's just repeating what it's heard with no more understanding of it than I'd have of Chinese, allowances might be made. But Emily couldn't see it that way. Women ain't logical.

"What are you staring at, Joe?" asked Polly, a few minutes later, as her eyes fell upon Joel, who sat with his back to the cupboard, persistently gazing at the opposite wall. "Why, you told me yourself not to look at the cupboard," said Joel, in the loudest of stage whispers. "Dear me; that'll make mammy suspect worse'n anything else if you look like that," said Polly.

Shut yore wailin' face they's somethin' worse'n that in this here," said Red, his temper rising. "Hopalong an' me took yore cheap liquor it's under Pete's bunk," he added. The trio approached on a walk and Johnny, delirious and covered with blood, was carried into the bunk house.

But what I do say is, that, far's I know, eight boys out o' ten come out worse'n when they went in. Why not? They're mostly the worst sort, an' it's a kind of rivalry amongst them which'll tell the most deviltry. There ain't a trick nor turn you can't be put up to, an' I learned 'em every one. I learned some other things too.

The farmers they allowed that'd swamp 'em worse'n they was already swamped ez it would so they up and quit. Blackwell, he's a cuss, with a snoot like a hawg. He don't want no neighbors." I had been observing the old man's face as he talked. It was villainous only in its featurings. "Which are you; a prospector or a miner?" I asked. "A little b'ilin' o' both, I reckon," was his rejoinder.

I am not reformed, I am simply ready once again to grab Opportunity. So you think I am crazy, do you?" "They had a gink in a padded cell in the jail where I was last winter and he didn't take on much worse'n you," stated the tramp. "As a brainless observer you may be quite right. I may be a lunatic. I feel much like one just now.

At the very last Skeeter rolled a pebble under his foot and stumbled and again Smoky came in with his slaty nose in the lead. Pop rode into the centre of the yelling crowd, his whiskers bristling. "Shucks almighty!" he cried. "What fer ridin' do yuh call that there? Jeff Hall, that feller held Skeeter in worse'n what you did yourself! I kin prove it! I got a stop watch, an' I timed 'im, I did.