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"The heart can hate without forgetting." "Hate her? hate Marian? No! no!" "Not if she be false?" "How do I know that she war false? You haven't told me whether she went willin'ly or agin her consent." "The White Eagle shall know then. His gentle doe went willingly to the covert of the wolf willingly, I repeat. Su-wa-nee can give proof of her words." This was the most terrible stroke of all.

"In the meantime," he added, "we are rather short handed here. Just give the butler a little assistance will you?" "Willin'ly, my lord," answered Malcolm, forgetting altogether, in the prospect of being useful and within sight of Lady Florimel, that he had but half finished his own dinner.

It sends 'em to the deep-sea with a message to the fish, an the message is `come out o' the water you skulkin' critters, an' be sent up to Billin'sgate to be sold an' eaten! The fish don't come willin'ly, I'm bound for to say that, but we make 'em come all the same, willin' or not, for we've wonderful powers o' persuasion.

"Then you never heard either your father or mother mention any other name than Bright I mean in connection with yourselves?" said Ruth in a disappointed tone. "Never, Miss, as I can reck'lect on. I would willin'ly say yes, to please you, but I'd raither not tell no lies." "That's right my good boy," said Mrs Dotropy, with a stately but approving nod, "for you know where all liars go to."

Oh, how their impassioned cries for liberty, and how they would willin'ly sacrifice their wives favorite beveridge ruther than to yield to the tyrant. How nateral, how nateral them noble yells would sound to their descendant females, the Daughters of the Revolution, and all the rest.

But we found out it included all kinds of measures, attitudes and angles, photographs, moulds, casts and rates of pulsation, measurements of respiration, tryin' to measure and estimate as well as they can the different physical values of the different races and people, it wuz a sight to see it. Sure enough Professor Todd wuz there, and I willin'ly resigned her into his care.

The puir orphan has naebody but you and me to luik till; an' I wad willin'ly do that muckle for her. I'll tell ye what I'll gie her five per cent. for her siller; and for the bit interest, I'll tak her in wi' my ain bairns, an' she s' hae bit and sup wi' them, an' gang to the school wi' them, and syne efter a bit we'll see what comes neist." To Margaret this seemed a very fair offer.

He see it wuzn't and subsided with a low groan, and begun to nibble agin' on his food, but his looks wuz mournful, and if I could I would have put on a apron willin'ly and gone down into the kitchen and cooked him a good square meal, but I knew it wouldn't be thought on, so I kep' calm. Well, our bed wuz kinder queer.

"Gien that 'll du wi' ye," Miss Horn went on, "an' ye mean nae desertion o' the kirk o' my father an' his fathers afore him, I wad willin'ly partak wi' ye." "You'll be welcome, Miss Horn as welcome, as any of my own flock." "Weel, noo, that I ca' Christian," said Miss Horn, rising.

Now, everybody knows thet they ain't been a chicken thet has died for our nourishment sence Sonny has cut his eye-teeth but has give up its vitals to him, an' give 'em willin'ly, they bein' the parts of his choice; an' it was discouragin', after killin' a useless number o' chickens to git enough to pack his little lunch-bucket, to have her eat 'em up an' she forty year old ef she's a day, an' he not got his growth yet.