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"What'll you be wantin', laddie?" said the grass-cutter. "To see Miss Whimple," answered William readily. "And what for?" William eyed the questioner, and with a gleam of mischief in his eyes, replied quietly, "On business." "Aye business, they'll all be saying that. She'll no see ye, ma lad, so you better be tellin' me, and maybe I'll be able to tell ye the way to be goin' aboot it."

"You live in Mid-Toronto, William," said Whimple, jocularly, "and you ought to know what's going on there!" "Well, I know a few things," said William, smilingly. "Such as " and Whimple paused. "Politics," said William, grinning. "Yes!" "A fight a fight, and it'll be a loller-palluselar." "A what?" "That's just a word my Pa uses, Mister Whimple honest, I couldn't say it more'n once a day."

"Whenever he wants to impress one as to the cleverness of some other person he brings in 'Pa, and he always adds, 'It's a wise guinea who can put one over on my Pa." "It is, too," said Miss Whimple. 'Pa' Turnpike is one of the shrewdest men I ever met, and one of the kindliest too. William and 'the bunch' can't you imagine you hear him saying it, Sally?

"Jimmy Duggan, you remember I told you all about him, he wants to bring in some bills when the Provincial House meets, and he says to ask your father and the boys to think something up, because he says the city people have so many crazy schemes he's afraid to try anything for them. So ask them, please. "My feet are tired chasing letters to you know who for Mister Whimple.

It was a fair bill as vaudeville bills go, with Flo Dearmore about half-way down on the programme. Whimple noticed that Watson paid no heed to the various turns, though William was revelling in them.

"Once I asked Whimple if William had a girl, and he told me the boy was too busy. That's the kind of a fool answer a man makes when he either doesn't know, or does know and won't tell. Then he told me about a trick that Tommy Watson and himself played on William, only it didn't work out in the way they expected. It puzzles me to know how men find time to go into such silliness.

William put out his hand and the judge shook it warmly. The boy was late getting back to the office, and Whimple was testy. "Where on earth have you been, William?" he asked, sharply; "there's a good deal of work to do, and we can hardly catch up to it to-day." "I'm sorry. I've been listening to a man," said William, quietly.

"But, Tommy seriously, is Jimmy Duggan going to fight?" "Fight! you bet your life he's going to fight, and he's going to win, too." "Umph!" "Umph again, Whimple, you and the government will be umphing to the finish, and then you'll umph some more."

But we'll never know the real William until until " Sally waited, and in a little while Miss Whimple went on. "Just now, and for a long time to come, I think, his mind will be so strongly set upon success on the stage that he will not allow anything to come between.

"You should hear him, Flo: it's a treat, and when he gets stuck on a big word he dives into the dictionary head first, or questions Epstein until he can say it properly and understand its meaning." "That is real progress. He's a delightful mimic, too." "Yes: he takes off Epstein, or Whimple, or myself, to the life." "The latter must be extremely difficult," said Flo, demurely.