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"Must have been a preacher, and a mighty solemn one at that, judging from your sober face," said Whimple, more gently.

"That made me angry, of course, and I told him he was lucky enough to be too big for me to thrash, as I tried to do the first time I saw him; and you should have seen him grin. "'Miss Whimple, said he, 'I'll never forget you and the parasol as long as I live. Say, it was but I broke in with, 'Now, who is your sweetheart, William? and what do you think he said?" "'Mother." "Exactly!

"But look here, Tommy, you know the opposition and its press has had the government tottering to its fall every election these fifteen years, and it's as solid as ever." "Well, we'll make a dint in its solidity any way. You keep your eyes on Jimmy Duggan." And Whimple did; others were a little slower to turn their gaze in that direction.

"Well, they've lost three games in a row now to the tail enders, and if they lose this one it'll make me gloomier'n ever, and maybe I'll be so gloomy there'll be no sense in it, and I'll begin to cheer up." It was Miss Whimple who heard the first detailed account of William's experiences as a rent collector, and she heard it from William's own lips.

On his way to the street car he passed Miss Whimple and Epstein and exchanged greetings with them. When they resumed their walk toward Miss Whimple's house, the old comedian asked her, "Did you notice what he was whistling as he came along?" "Not particularly." "Listen: there he is again." And faint, but clear and sweet, she heard it. "'Sally in our Alley," she said, laughingly.

And then changing his tone, he asked sharply, "Do you own this place?" "Miss Whimple is the owner, young man, and I'm thinking " "Don't don't get to thinkin'. It'll stop the grass-cutting if you do; but seeing that you don't own the place I guess it's no good asking you what you'll take for it "

"Sure," said William cheerily, "I sent the other bunch away." "The other bunch " "Yep; say, Mr. Whimple " "But just a minute," Mr. Whimple interrupted, "how did you know my name? Have we met before?" "Search me if we did we wasn't interduced." "Then how did you know?" William stopped dusting and regarded him thoughtfully. "How did you know?" Whimple repeated.

Here passed the round-faced burgher, swollen with prosperity, his sweeping dark-clothed gaberdine, flat velvet cap, broad leather belt and dangling pouch all speaking of comfort and of wealth. Behind him his serving wench, her blue whimple over her head, and one hand thrust forth to bear the lanthorn which threw a golden bar of light along her master's path.

Looking round, there was the old dame down upon the roadway, with her red whimple flying on the breeze, while the two rogues, black and white, stooped over her, wresting away from her the penny and such other poor trifles as were worth the taking. At the sight of her thin limbs struggling in weak resistance, such a glow of fierce anger passed over Alleyne as set his head in a whirl.

I gotter keep my own han'kerchief clean, and you wouldn't like me to go with a dirty face, I know. Just hang it outer the window and it'll be dry in a minute," and thereupon he departed. Miss Whimple lived a considerable distance beyond the then city limits.