United States or Togo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The little pucker at the corners of his mouth bespoke his relish of a jest, and the high nose and well-placed eyes his courage and spirit. But it was at the other I looked the longest. She was seated upon a grassy bank, with the shadows of the evening gathering about her. In the branches above her head gleamed a red-bird's brilliant plumage.

Rushcroft, fellow named Barnes. Quite a swell, believe me." It was a well-placed tip, for Mr. Rushcroft had been telling the natives for days that he knew everybody worth knowing in New York. Barnes was momentarily taken aback. Then he rose to the spirit of the occasion. "Hello, Rushcroft," he greeted, as if meeting an old time and greatly beloved friend. "This IS good.

Why, man, with you at my back I'd laugh at twenty fellows like these. They simply don't count." It was another well-placed shot, and he saw Rankin flush heavily with pleasure. Scottie tilted his box back against the wall and delivered his counterstroke: "He said the same thing to me earlier on in the evening," he remarked casually. "But I told him where to go.

It seems to leave so much open court, of which your adversary will not be slow to make use. Use the overhead service for choice, but have an underhand service ready at your command it may come in very useful for a change. Remember that a good-length, well-placed service is better than a very fast one, and much less tiring in a long match.

But why Henrietta should you be ashamed to own a well-placed Love, or why refuse to confide in me?" "I am not ashamed to own it; said I taking Courage. I do not refuse to confide in you or blush to say that I do love your cousin Mr Musgrove, that I am sincerely attached to him, for it is no disgrace to love a handsome Man.

In overhead work it is most important to remember the oft-repeated maxim: "Keep your eye on the ball." Watch it up to the moment of striking. Do not always "smash" every overhead ball when a well-placed volley will win the ace just as well. It is a waste of much-needed strength, and there is a greater risk of making a mistake.

Lady Calmady's sweet voice, meanwhile, went on in kindly question. Ludovic Quayle's in well-placed, slightly elaborate answer. The near horse threw back its head and the pole-chains rattled smartly. Honoria's lips parted, but the words, if words indeed there were, died in her throat. She raised her hands, as though putting a tangible and actual presence away from her.

The sulphurous and thermal springs of San Diego are the resort of numerous invalids annually, who come hither from Europe and America. The coast and harbors of Cuba are carefully marked for the purpose of navigation by eighteen well-placed lighthouses, visible from fifteen to twenty miles at sea, according to the importance of the surrounding points.

Surely it would seem that his faith in his star had been well-placed: was it not now or all signs failed delivering into his hand the forged tool he had so desperately needed, for which he had so earnestly prayed? A heavy sigh issued upon the stillness, freighted with a deep and desolating melancholy. For, it appeared, like all cynics, Mr. Mussey was a sentimentalist at heart.

The Colonel had made money in trade, and also by matrimony. He had married Sarah, daughter and heiress of the late Tekel Jordan, Esq., an old miser, who gave the town-clock, which carries his name to posterity in large gilt letters as a generous benefactor of his native place. In due time the Colonel reaped the reward of well-placed affections.