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"When he no longer had power to preserve the liberty of Rome Cato still was free, and knew how to die for man." Again, "Cui virtus non deest Ille nunquam omnino miser." "He who retains his integrity Can never be wholly miserable." In another place, "La vraie liberté est celle de l'ame." "True liberty is that of the soul." On a beam was written,

He must show us the church, still decorated with the bishop's artless ornaments of paper the last work of industrious old hands, and the last earthly amusement of a man that was much of a hero. In the sacristy we must see his sacred vessels, and, in particular, a vestment which was a 'vraie curiosite, because it had been given by a gendarme.

Properly qualified, such exceptions are but a salt of genuineness in our knowledge; and beyond all those strictly ascertained facts, we must take note of that indirect influence by which one like Giorgione, for instance, enlarges his permanent efficacy and really makes himself felt in our culture. In a just impression of that, is the essential truth, the vraie verite concerning him.

If you read, Monsieur Marin, you shall see la vraie poésie! Not de big book and no single rhyme Sair, I do not vish to say vat is penible, mais it is not one book widout rhyme; it was not écrit on de sea. Le diable! que le vrai génie, et les nobles sentiments, se trouvent dans ce livre, la!" "Ay, I see it is a log-book, for every man to note his mind in.

He took it with a bewildered look, as if scarcely following what she said. "Read it read it!" she commanded; and mechanically he read out the words he had written. "La vraie morale se moque de la morale.... We perish because we follow other men's examples.... Socrates called the opinions of the many Lamiæ. Good God!" he exclaimed, flinging the book from him with a gesture of abhorrence.

Varvara disliked this M. Jules very much; but she received him because he wrote in several newspapers, and used to be constantly mentioning her, calling her sometimes Madame de L ... tski, sometimes Madame de *, cette grande dame Russe si distinguée, qui demeure rue de P , and describing to the whole world, that is to say to some few hundreds of subscribers, who had nothing whatever to do with Madame de L ... tski, how loveable and charming was that lady, une vraie française par l'esprit, the French have no higher praise than this, what an extraordinary musician she was, and how wonderfully she waltzed.

Something like this seems to me to be the vraie verite about Giorgione, if I may adopt a serviceable expression, by which the French recognise those more liberal and durable impressions which, in respect of any really considerable person or subject, anything that has at all intricately occupied men's attention, lie beyond, and must supplement, the narrower range of the strictly ascertained facts about it.

I found her older, but still more charming, and touchingly humble. It cut me to the heart to hear her say: "C'est une vraie charite que vous me faites de venir me voir." Mlle. Guemain was profoundly affected, like everyone else, by what we were daily passing through during this time of heavy strain.

This is the prettiest part of Belgium, and in summer many people, who do not care for going to the seaside, spend the holidays at the towns and villages which are dotted about in the valleys and among the hills and woods. The Belgians may be divided, roughly speaking, into five classes of people. There are those of the highest rank, who are called the grande, or vraie, noblesse.

They were in Amherst's hand, and the sight arrested her as though she had heard him speak. La vraie morale se moque de la morale.... We perish because we follow other men's examples.... Socrates used to call the opinions of the many by the name of Lamiæ bugbears to frighten children.... A rush of air seemed to have been let into her stifled mind. Were they his own thoughts?