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They had noticed before a faded-looking personage who had been going about on the fringe of the crowd with a file of propagandist literature on her arm. Vida beckoned to her. She made her way with some difficulty through the chaffing, jostling horde, saying steadily and with a kind of cheerful doggedness 'Leaflets! Citizenship of Women, by Lothian Scott! Labour Record! Prison Experiences of Miss

And I didn't have any woman Vida 's become so married and proprietary." "Well, next time you'll have better sense." He patted her head, flumped down behind his newspaper, said nothing more. Enemies leered through the windows, stole on her from the hall. She had no one save Erik. This kind good man Kennicott he was an elder brother.

'It's having to tell you that that kept me awake. The wave of dull colour that mounted up to the bushy, straw-coloured eyebrows seemed on the way to have overflowed into her eyes. They grew redder than before, and slowly they filled. 'You don't like living here in this house. Vida caught at the old complication. 'I've got used to it, the woman said baldly.

I have been reading to her Mary Proctor's "Starland," which by your thoughtful prompting she caused to be sent to me through her London publishers. I am so much obliged to you and to her for remembering the promise that I should have a copy. It is charming, and ought to have a wide sale... I must stop; Vida has come for my mail, and is going to the post-office on her bicycle. She and Mr.

Stonor's look, his attitude, seemed to say that he too only waited now to hear it. He dropped his head in his hand. When Vida spoke, it was without raising her eyes from the ground. 'I could drive a hard-and-fast bargain with you; but I think I won't. If love and ambition both urge you on, perhaps She looked up a little defiantly, seeming to expect to meet triumph in his face.

But he went not as one who means to take a stroll and enjoy a smoke, rather as a man on a mission. A few minutes after, the desultory conversation in the hall was arrested by the sound of voices near the windows. They were in full view now Vida Levering, hatless, a cool figure in pearl-grey with a red umbrella; St.

When General Yozarro saw the young woman in the laughing, happy company, he took off his hat, bowed low and said with his old-time obsequiousness: "The pain of this meeting is turned to delight by the sight once more of your beauteous countenance and your charming self." Looking him in the eyes, she measured her words: "Que V. se atreva á dirigirse á mi, es el mayor insulto de mi vida."

Miss Vida Goldstein of Australia addressed a number of meetings this year. An enrollment of suffragists was begun. There was an increase of women's registration for the school vote in fourteen cities, in Boston of about 5,000. An investigation of the tax records by Mr. Blackwell showed that in Boston alone 18,500 women paid taxes on several hundred million dollars' worth of property.

'They've had to get men to hold up their banners for them, laughed Vida, as though she saw a symbolism in the fact, further convicting these women of folly. 'But there's a well-dressed man that one who isn't holding up anything that I can see what on earth is he doing there? 'Perhaps he'll be upholding something later. 'Going to speak, you mean? 'It may be a debate.

Vida wrote me only last week that they had a play for him where he's cast off on a desert island with a beautiful but haughty heiress, and they have to live there three months subsisting on edible foods which are found on all desert islands. But Clyde had refused the part because he would have to grow whiskers in this three months.