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"I wonder who liketh uth tho much that he wanth to knock our headth off?" "Open the other packs," directed Miss Elting calmly. They did so, but with the same results. Each pack was filled with stones, and, in some instances, pieces of wood, parts of limbs of trees, dirt, shale and the like. "Oh, my stars, what a mess!" cried Crazy Jane.

"That ith uth," whispered Tommy to Harriet Burrell, who sat beside her. Harriet's face was flushed. She feared the guardian was about to speak of her achievements, which Harriet was not at all eager to hear.

Instead of the supplies that had originally been stowed in the pack, a choice assortment of stones, chunks of granite, small hardheads and pebbles rolled out on the floor. They were speechless for the moment. Janus tugged nervously at his beard, too thoroughly astonished for speech. "I gueth thomebody hath been throwing thtoneth at uth," observed Tommy Thompson.

"She is at least a well-balanced boat," answered Captain Billy. "Having the wind on the quarter, we do not have to tack any on this course. You see, we are headed Northeast by East three-quarters. Keep her there." "Were I to keep straight on as I am, where would we land?" asked Harriet. "England." "Oh, let uth keep right on until we get to England," piped Tommy. "How far ith it?"

The Persimmon, with his protruding, half-asleep eyes, was saying: "I don' know, Peter, as I 's so partic'lar 'bout makin' de mos' out'n dis worl'. You know de Bible say hit say," here the Persimmon's voice dropped a tone lower, in unconscious imitation of negro preachers, "la- ay not up yo' treasure on uth, wha moss do corrup', an' thieves break th'ugh an' steal."

As Frank grasped the rifle the mahout, who had turned at his cry, seized the barrel and said with a smile: "Durro mut, Sahib! Do not fear, sir. Those are Durro Mut Sahib's babies and the elephant is their playmate." And as he spoke Wargrave saw the elder child spring up from the ground and beat the great animal's legs with his tiny hands, crying: "Mujh-ko bhi, Badshah! Mujh-ko bhi! Uth! Uth!

And he points to an oil-painting hanging over the piano. "Grandpapa MacGentle, papa!" "What did he do for all of us?" As Master Thor hesitates a moment, the little golden-haired lady breaks in, "I know, papa! He made uth rich, and gave uth our houthe, and he thaw me when I wath a wee, wee baby, and then he he " "He went to Heaven, papa!" says Thor, recovering himself.

The flat was occupied, it seemed to him to the exclusion of all other sensible objects by Mr. Skinner and his voice, if indeed you can call either him or it a sensible object! The voice was up very high slopping about among the notes of anguish. "Itth impothible for uth to thtop, Thir. We've thtopped on hoping thingth would get better and they've only got worth, Thir.

"I think I begin to understand," thought Harriet Burrell aloud. "What ith it that you underthtand?" demanded Tommy, pricking up her ears. "You know where we are going, don't you?" "I can make a close guess," replied Harriet, nodding brightly. "Oh, tell uth, tell uth," begged Tommy. Harriet shook her head. "I couldn't think of it. Miss Elting wishes it to be a surprise to you."

"Farewell, Thethilia!" he said, "my latht wordth to you ith thith: Thtick to the termth of your engagement, be obedient to the Thquire, and forget uth. But if, when you're grown up and married and well off, you come upon any horthe-riding ever, don't be hard upon it, don't be croth with it, give it a Bethpeak if you can, and think you might do worth.