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"No, they'll never suck no more in this world. There's up'ards o' three feet o' water in the hooker, now, and she's gainin' on us at the rate o' two inches an hour while we pumps at her. She's bound to the bottom, she is; and I only hopes she'll keep afloat long enough to let us get the boats afloat without smashin' of 'em to smithereens alongside.

The consequence was that Arkansas shortly began to glower upon him dangerously, and presently said: "Lan'lord, will you p-please make that remark over agin if you please?" "I was a-sayin' to Scotty that my father was up'ards of eighty year old when he died." "Was that all that you said?" "Yes, that was all." "Didn't say nothing but that?" "No nothing." Then an uncomfortable silence.

Here's what the law does: The law takes a man worth six thousand dollars and up'ards, and jams him into an old trap of a cabin like this, and lets him go round in clothes that ain't fitten for a hog. They call that govment! A man can't get his rights in a govment like this. Sometimes I've a mighty notion to just leave the country for good and all.

It's them half-empty cruisers as goes a-rollin' and a-pitchin' and a-heavin' all over the place, with their stern up'ards half the time. You lay in ballast." It seemed very reasonable advice. Aunt Emma came in the afternoon. She said she was so glad she had caught me. Something told her to change her mind and come on Friday instead of Saturday. It was Providence, she said.

"Ay, an' won't I do it with my mouth open too, an' learn 'ow to send the stream up'ards!" said Tim. Their comments were cut short by the breakfast-bell; at the same time the hurricane again burst forth: "Hallo! lads boys! Youngsters! Are you up? ah! here you are. Good-morning, and as tidy as two pins. That's the way to get along in life. Come now, sit down. Where's Martha? Oh! here we are.

Perhaps it came because her uncle was looking at her so fixedly; but there is no knowing, for just then Adam was saying, with quiet surprise, "Why, I hoped Dinah was settled among us for life. I thought she'd given up the notion o' going back to her old country." "Thought! Yes," said Mrs. Poyser, "and so would anybody else ha' thought, as had got their right end up'ards.

It's about six years followin' on the Mexican war, an' I'm shot up'ards into the semblances of a man. My affections for Polly has their beginnin's in a coon-hunt into which b'ars an' dogs gets commingled in painful profoosion. "'I ain't the wonder of a week with a rifle now, since I'm old an' dim, but them times on the Cumberland I has fame as sech.

The consequence was that Arkansas shortly began to glower upon him dangerously, and presently said: "Lan'lord, will you p-please make that remark over agin if you please?" "I was a-sayin' to Scotty that my father was up'ards of eighty year old when he died." "Was that all that you said?" "Yes, that was all." "Didn't say nothing but that?" "No nothing." Then an uncomfortable silence.

'There! cried the coachman, appealing to Walter, with a sort of exalting despair; 'that's the way the young lady's been a goin' on for up'ards of a mortal hour, and me continivally backing out of no thoroughfares, where she would drive up. I've had a many fares in this coach, first and last, but never such a fare as her. 'Do you want to go to Staggs's Gardens, Susan? inquired Walter. 'Ah!

"Here," said he, "it has cost me up'ards of fifty dollars, and I'll bet I hain't sold mor'n a barrel, besides what wine that Kentucky chap has bought for his gal, and I suppose they call that nothin', bein' it's for sickness. Why, good Lord, the hull on't was for medicine, or chimistry, or mechanics!" This reminded his friend to inquire after the sick lady, whose name he did not remember.