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The door closed, and Lionel unlocked his knapsack; other trousers, other waistcoat had he, those worn at the fair, and once white. Alas! they had not since then passed to the care of the laundress. Other shoes, double-soled for walking.

So saying, Phoebe walked noisily to the door and unlocked it. "Is that you, Mis' Allen?" she asked. The door was opened, and Phoebe found herself face to face with a short, light woman whose white garments shone gray in the night. "Why, you're up'n dressed!" exclaimed Mrs. Allen. She did not offer to enter, but went on excitedly: "Miss Phoebe," she said, "d'you know I b'lieve you've ben robbed."

And the coiner crept to the door of the private stairs. He unlocked and opened it cautiously. A man sprang through the aperture: "Yield! you are my prisoner!" "Never!" cried Gawtrey, hurling back the intruder, and clapping to the door, though other and stout men were pressing against it with all their power. "Ho! ho! Who shall open the tiger's cage?"

He reached up underneath it, felt for the window fastening, and unlocked it; then cautiously tested the window itself by lifting it an inch or two it slid easily in its grooves. He stood then for a moment, hardfaced, a frown gathering his forehead into heavy furrows, as the flashlight's ray again and again darted hither and thither.

While Cerizet was turning the key, which worked with great difficulty, Madame Cardinal, holding the light, was pale and breathless; but, oh! cruel deception! the cupboard, at last unlocked and open, showed only an empty space, into which the light in her hand fell uselessly.

Headed by Jonathan, all the turnkeys then repaired to the upper part of the jail, and, approaching the Red Room by a circuitous route, several doors were unlocked, and they came upon the scene of Jack's exploits. Stopping before each door, they took up the plates of the locks, examined the ponderous bolts, and were struck with the utmost astonishment at what they beheld.

I jest unlocked the door quick and then shoved you in an' locked it again. First of all you screamed terrible hard. I was afraid maybe you'd hurt yourself yellin' that way. I was about to take you out again when all at once I heard Dan start whistlin' and pretty quick your cryin' stopped. I listened an' wondered. After that I never had to lock Dan in his room.

Apparently familiar with the spot, Herne took down a large key from a nail in the wall, against which it hung, and unlocked the door. "Enter," he said to Surrey, "and do not forget the debt you owe to Herne the Hunter." And as the earl stepped into the chamber, the door was locked behind him. How Sir Thomas Wyat found Mabel in the Sandstone Cave, and what happened to him there

Naturally he did not like having his retirement invaded, and at first consigned the commissionaire to the devil; but as soon as he learnt from the note that, since a novice at cards was to be the guest of the Chief of Police that evening, a call at the latter's house might prove not wholly unprofitable he relented, unlocked the door of his room, threw on the first garments that came to hand, and set forth.

The comfortably furnished room just sufficed for two narrow beds and the customary furniture; and as soon as the two lads had entered, Singh hurried to his chest of drawers, unlocked one, took out a second bunch of keys to that he carried in his pocket, and was then crossing to a sea-going portmanteau standing in one corner, when Glyn, who was looking very thoughtful and abstracted, followed, and as Singh knelt down and threw open the travelling-case, laid his hand upon the lad's shoulder.