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But, bless you, them boots of his is pretty nigh 'andy wore out, and I tell him so. `Never mind, Billy, says he; `I'll be getting a new pair soon when I've got the money saved, says he. `I mean to get a good strong pair, says he, `double-soled and plates on the 'eels, my boy, he says, `and you shall polish them up every night for me. `That I will, says I. Bless you, governor, that there bloke'll 'ave the shiniest pair of boots in town."

That same day we went as far as Bitche; the next, to Hornbach; then to Kaiserslautern. It began to snow again. How often during that long march did I sigh for the thick cloak of Monsieur Goulden, and his double-soled shoes. We passed through innumerable villages, sometimes on the mountains, sometimes in the plains.

You would be dead before you had got half way. Go into my closet, and take my great cloak, and the mittens, and the double-soled shoes lined with flannel." I was so smart in my fine clothes that I reflected whether it would be better to follow his advice, and he, seeing my hesitation, said: "Listen! a man was found frozen yesterday on the way to Wecham.

Although it was quite comfortable weather, and we had nothing on but straw hats, shirts, and duck trowsers, and were barefooted, they had, every man of them, double-soled boots, coming up to the knees, and well greased; thick woolen trowsers, frocks, waistcoats, pea-jackets, woolen caps, and everything in true Nova Zembla rig; and in the warmest days they made no change.

Seeing that there was a chance of further disagreements aboard the vessel, I at once decided to leave her, in doing which I was forced to kick off my beautiful jack-boots, which were said by Vanseddars himself to be he finest pair that ever went out of his shop, square-toed, double-soled alas! alas!

Eben McClure took the flout as he would have taken a kick from that honoured double-soled shoe. "Cousin Kennedy," he said, "I have no purpose but to do you service. As you are good enough to remark, I have nothing to complain of in the service of His Majesty, and it shall be my first duty and pleasure to repay to you the little advance you were good enough to make me with interest."

"I say, guv'nor," said he, in a sudden mysterious tone, "can you keep it mum?" "Yes what?" I asked. He looked carefully up the street and then down, and then all round. No one was near. He moved so as to let the light of a neighbouring lamp- post shine full on the pavement, as with jubilant face he lifted up his box and disclosed a pair of new double-soled lace boots!

He was 'in a China house, he explained to Bella: which she found quite satisfactory, without pursuing the China house into minuter details than a wholesale vision of tea, rice, odd-smelling silks, carved boxes, and tight-eyed people in more than double-soled shoes, with their pigtails pulling their heads of hair off, painted on transparent porcelain.

"Monsieur Godeschal, wouldn't you like a glass of water?" said the little messenger. "That imp of a boy!" said Boucard. "Here, get on your double-soled shanks-mare, take this packet, and spin off to the Invalides." "Here set forth," Godeschal went on.

His shoes were of the double-soled description, which ought more properly to be called brogues; and into them, on the evening previous to his departure, his father had driven tackets and sparables innumerable, until they became like a plate of iron or a piece of warlike workmanship, resembling the scaled cuirass of a mailed knight in the olden time; "for," said he, "the callant will hae runnin' about on the causeway and plainstanes o' Carlisle sufficient to drive a' the shoon in the world aff his feet."