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She could see the beads of sweat above his bristling eyebrows: the damp had settled on his sandy beard: his horny fingers were twitching at the buttons of his black Sunday coat. She struggled to summon a smile; but her under-lip quivered, and her large dark eyes filled slowly with tears. And he went on: 'Ye've coom t' mean jest everything to me. Ef ye will na hev me, I care for nought else.

Between his teeth he held a fine Pittsburgh cheroot at an angle of about ninety-five degrees to his protruding under-lip, and he perused with relish the business-trouble column of the Daily Cloak and Suit Record. "Now, what do you think of that?" he exclaimed. "What do I think of what, Abe?" Morris inquired.

'And he did he? vowed to you he could not take No for an answer? At this ingenuous question, woefully uttered, mademoiselle was pricked, to smile pointedly. Nesta had a tooth on her under-lip. Then, shaking vapours to the winds, she said: 'It is an honour, to be asked; and we cannot be expected to consent. So I shall wear through it. Only I do wish that Mr.

As she said this, I saw her under-lip push out and tremble, as when she is near to crying, and her eyes moisten: but a moment after she looked at me full, and smiled, so mobile is her face: and as she looked, it suddenly struck me what a noble temple of a brow the creature has, almost pointed at the uplifted summit, and widening down like a bell-curved Gothic arch, draped in strings of frizzy hair which anon she shakes backward with her head.

The marshal was walking along, limping from an old wound, with one hand behind his back, and plunged in a meditation which was the reverse of rose-colour, to judge by the pouting under-lip, which he always wore when this was the case. The general approached him, and he stopped short, knitting his brows. "I am very lucky, Monsieur le Marechal, to have this opportunity of paying you my respects."

"A mounted messenger brought me a letter to-day in which the Emperor tells me that he proposes to inhabit the old palace at Lochias, and not the Caesareum." At these words Sabina's forehead clouded, her gaze, dark and blank, was fixed on her lap, and biting her under-lip, she muttered: "Because I am here."

He could not talk very well, because his opponent's sword had cut his under-lip in two, and then the surgeon had sewed it together and overlaid it with a profusion of white plaster patches; neither could he eat easily, still he contrived to accomplish a slow and troublesome luncheon while the last duel was preparing.

Don's eyes began to sparkle again. "No doubt I should have found the experience of great educational value," he said; "but did he often swear in Latin?" "Not often; only when he was very drunk." "What was his favourite tongue when he was merely moderately so?" Flamby's expression underwent a faint change, and looking down she bit her under-lip.

He stood up and gave a good, hard push against the ground. And so he managed to squeeze his nose a little further into the bean-pot. And now, to his huge delight, he could just reach the bottom of the pot with his long under-lip. In a twinkling Cuffy had all the beans in his mouth.

"If I had my life over again," he answered slowly, "I should alter nothing." Lord Ettrick looked at him with raised eyebrows, chewing his under-lip reflectively. "I wonder how long you'll say that," he murmured. A page-boy threaded his way to the table and stood bashfully at a distance with a tarnished salver pressed against his buttons. "Wanted on the 'phone, sir," he whispered.