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Wark, too, seemed uncomfortably aware of something unusual in her face, for she turned it away, and busied herself in smoothing down the near corner of the bath blanket. 'What kept you awake? Miss Levering asked. 'Well, I suppose I'd better tell you while the other people aren't round. I want a day or two to go into the country.

But one morning as they came down to the beach he startled the baron by saying: "I want to blay." "Yes, 'ighness, whad shall we blay ad?" said the Baron von Habelschwert uncomfortably, after a little hesitation. "I don't want to blay wiz you," said the prince in a tone which showed, beyond any possibility of misconception, that on that matter his mind was made up.

And since you have so mismanaged your fool of a sister's affair, I don't see how the circumstances can improve." She watched him. "And the ten thousand francs? You will throw me off and enjoy them at your ease?" He cringed at her tone. "Not enjoy without you " "No," she said coolly, "for I shall kill you." Mr Pick smiled uncomfortably.

Nasmyth's desire to escape from the topic was a trifle too plain, as he added, "Isn't it nice out here?" It occurred to Laura that it was uncomfortably cold, for there was a nip of frost in the air, though the sun hung coppery red above the sombre pines. "I almost fancied you were not overjoyed to see me," she remarked.

Monsieur Chatelard, a bit breathless, but not greatly discomposed, peered out at him from the edge of the opposite bunk, where he sat uncomfortably. His cynical voice capped the struggle like a streak of pitch. "Pray keep the weapon. You are welcome, though your methods are somewhat surprising. Had I known them earlier, I might have offered you my little toy." "Oh, don't mention it," said Jimmy.

While speaking, he would keep his eyes upon the person addressed with an expression uncomfortably searching. Most extraordinary, however, he did not once ask about prices. One of the Shaykhs ventured an inquiry. "How great will his Highness' suite be?" "Four." The Shaykh threw up his hands. "O Allah! Four dromedaries and twenty camels for four men!"

Neither boy was touched, although the bullet passed uncomfortably close to Chester's head. Stumbling along as fast as the semi-darkness would permit, the boys made a brave effort to escape. But they were not to get off in such easy fashion. For again the searchlight lighted up the woods and exposed them to their pursuers.

They built the camp-fire for the night uncomfortably near Joan's position; however, remembering how cold the air would become later, she made no objection. Twilight set in and the men, through for the day, gathered near the fire. Then Joan was not long in discovering that the situation had begun to impinge upon the feelings of each of these men. They looked at her differently.

Judith felt her heart beginning to thump uncomfortably as she thought of the toast she had to answer. Sally May was to be toastmistress and to Judith had been given the honour of replying to the last toast the toast to "The School." Judith was glad that she had written out her little speech last week, for the last few days had been so packed full that she had not had a moment to herself.

Our maiden slept, to dream not of ghostly ponies or other uncomfortably discarnate creatures; but of Darcy Faircloth in his pretty piece of Quixotism, rescuing a minister of the Church of England "as by law established" from heretical baptismal rites of total immersion. The picture had a rough side to it, and also a merry one; but, beyond these, generous dealing wholly delightful to her feeling.