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But did it cause him to think with pity of the agonies he had caused them? Not in the least. When Ahmed rejoined his people Kathlyn was leaning against her father's shoulder, smiling wanly. "Where is Umballa?" cried Bruce, seizing Ahmed by the arm. "On the way to the palace!" Ahmed laughed and told what he had accomplished. Bruce raised his hands in anger.

Stumbling on, Umballa cried out in pain; but he did not ask for mercy. "Soor! Tell your master, Durga Ram, how bites this gun butt as I shall tell mine the pleasure it gives me to administer it. Swine! Ha, you stumble! Up with you!" Batter and bang!

And Ramabai promised, hoping that he could adjust and regulate his affairs without foreign assistance. They went on, this time with Ahmed. Toward the end of the journey they would be compelled to cross a chasm on a rope and vine bridge. Umballa, knowing this, circled and reached this bridge before they did.

'Good business, said Scott, heartily. 'Going to get off at Umballa, I suppose, and go up to Simla. Who'll she stay with there? 'No-o; that's just the trouble of it. She's going down with me. Scott sat bolt upright under the oil lamp as the train jolted past Tarn-Taran station. 'What! You don't mean you couldn't afford 'Oh, I'd have scraped up the money somehow.

Umballa entered the living-room of the bungalow. It was apparently deserted. He cast a quick glance about. The curtains trembled suspiciously, and even as he noted it, Bruce, Ramabai and Ahmed sprang forth, carrying ropes. Umballa made a dash for the door, but they were too quick for him. Struggling, he was seized and bound; but all the while he was laughing inwardly.

The two wheelmen of the Connaught Rangers, accompany me five miles to the Bane River ferry, in the cool of early morning. They would have escorted me as far as Umballa, they say, had they known of my coming in time to arrange leave' of absence. Twenty-five miles of continuously smooth and level kunkah, bring me to Phillour, a Mohammedan town of several thousand inhabitants.

"Free!" breathed the colonel, as Ramabai beckoned to a public litter. "Hush! You are supposed to be my prisoner. Make no sign of jubilation." Ramabai helped the broken man into the litter and bade the coolies to hurry. "Elephants will be ready to start the moment we reach your camp. This time I believe we can get away in safety." "And Umballa?" "Shall go with us as hostage."

The law was the law; and none, not even the priests in their shaven polls and yellow robes, might slip beyond the law as it read. The first ordeal was over. Nor, as the law read, could they lay hands upon this brave young man. Ai! it was good. Umballa must look elsewhere for his chief wife; the Mem-sahib would not adorn his zenana.

Immediately the high priest announced that the successful candidate would be conducted to the palace zenana and confined there till the final ceremonies were over. Umballa dreamed of what he had seen. To Ramabai was given the exalted honor of conducting the king and his betrothed to their respective quarters.

Ramabai turned and began to walk toward the window opening out upon the balcony; but Umballa bounded after him, realizing that Ramabai would do as he threatened, declare from the balcony what he knew. "Wait! A truce for forty-eight hours." "Agreed. I have a proposition to make before you and the council. Let us go in."