United States or Eswatini ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Willingly Larry responded, and the boys dashed forward as though they were just starting out instead of ending a two-mile run. On the right-hand side of the road a fringe of bushes hedged a swamp. The patter of the boys' feet on the hard clay road was the only sound that broke the stillness.

"I'll see him and raise him till he squeals!" Dorsey sneered. The Ramblin' Kid ignored the tilt between Dorsey and Chuck and leaned indifferently against the counter waiting for the clerk to fill out the entry blank. "Event?" the clerk questioned. "Two-mile run," was the quiet answer. "Rider and horse?" glancing up.

He leaped through the door, glanced up and down the stable street deserted at that hour except for a few drowsy attendants lounging in front of their stalls jerked the door shut, hooked the open padlock through the iron fastenings, snapped its jaws together and muttered, as he hurried away: "I guess that guy won't ride the Gold Dust maverick in any two-mile sweepstakes to-day!"

It was arranged that on the fifteenth of September they should meet at Fort Ryan, and that the race should come off on the two-mile course at the Fort. After smokes, compliments and the exchange of some presents, Red Cloud withdrew to his camp.

A sudden surge of flying craft appeared on the television screen. The grounded fleet of the United Nations was taking to the air again. In the narrow, two-mile strip between the two domes of force it swirled up and up.... Kreynborg frowned. "Now, what is der idea of that?" he demanded. He moved closer to the screen. The pocket-gun was left behind, five feet from his finger-tips.

A two-mile trench system, believed to be impregnable, was stormed by the Allied forces near Thiepval September 17, while south of the Somme the French took the German trenches along a front of three miles. Next day more ground was taken in the advance toward Bapaume and German prisoners continued to fall into the Allies' hands.

Early in the morning of that last day they had all started on a two-mile tramp to "the Basin." "We'll have one more bang-up fish dinner before we go," Jimmy had said. And the rest had joyfully agreed. With luncheon and fishing tackle, therefore, they had made an early start.

Blister's hand swept the two-mile circle of stalls that held somewhere within their big curve the enemy. The boy at the mare's head laughed joyously. "They ain't got a chance!" he gloated. "All right, Chick," said Blister. "Put her up! Hold on!" he corrected suddenly. "Here's the boss!" And I became aware of a throbbing motor behind me. So likewise did Très Jolie. "Whoa, Jane!

"Why," he said, "it was Jim Love; when he was in the two-mile cross-country foot race the other day, with a good chance of getting ahead of Tom Locke, who won it, Jim stopped long enough to help a guy across a footlog with a sack of potatoes or something and even then came in just a few yards behind Tom.

At the hotel we got the chateau on the wire and asked for the victoria at once. As the horse had to be harnessed and there is a two-mile drive down to Charley, we stopped a moment and spoke to the proprietress of the hotel. "How does it happen that your motor was not at the station?" said H.