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"Why, my boy," he said, waving a hand to the spirits and liqueurs, "full bottles and unopened boxes? Tut, tut! here's a pretty how-d'ye-do. Is this the way you toast the home quarters? You're a fine soldier for an old mess!" So saying, he poured out some whiskey, then opened the box of cigars and pushed them towards his brother.

'We charge you, sir, with obtaining money under false pretences, which is a crime that has landed more than one distinguished financier in prison. Spenser Hale shook his fat forefinger at me, and said, 'Tut, tut, Valmont; we mustn't threaten, we mustn't threaten, you know; but I went on without heeding him. 'Take for instance, Lord Semptam.

Let her sing, or let her say she'll never get a husband in this world or the other, without she had a good thumping FORTIN, and then she'd go off like wildfire. 'No, no, Terry, there you're out; Minerva has too bad a character for learning to be a favourite with gentlemen, said Lord Clonbrony. 'Tut Don't tell me!

He followed her through the magnificent hall-way, and up the polished stairs to the apartment above, where he knew his patient was awaiting him. The wan face lying against the pillow lighted up as the doctor entered. His bright, breezy presence was as good as medicine. "You!" he cried, advancing to the couch. "Why, this will never do, Miss Rogers! Tut, tut! you are not sick, you do not look it!

The old man rose with hospitable haste, and opening the door, was heard condoling with the new arrival. The new arrival also condoled with himself, so that Mrs. White said, "Tut, tut!" and coughed gently as her husband entered the room, followed by a tall, burly man, beady of eye and rubicund of visage. "Sergeant-Major Morris," he said, introducing him.

Harold and I have arranged that the ceremony shall take place at little St. Swithin's Church in the West End. So you'll be there at eleven o'clock, eh, boy?" "Yes, major, I'll be there, and before eleven, I'm afraid, I'm so anxious to take her home. I shall not endeavour to thank you and Mrs. Harold for what you have done for my homeless girl. I can't even " "Tut, tut, tut!" growled the major.

"Tut! tut!" I exclaimed; "you mistake, Mr. Raven: worms are not the larvæ of butterflies!" "Never mind," he croaked; "it will do for once! I'm not a reading man at present, but sexton at the at a certain graveyard cemetery, more properly in at no matter where!" "I see! you can't keep your spade still: and when you have nothing to bury, you must dig something up!

"I shan't barring happy accidents see her again till Sunday; and to-day is only Friday," Anthony was brooding. "Apropos," he said to Adrian, "I remember your telling me that Friday was unlucky." "Tut," said Adrian. "That is n't apropos in the slightest degree.

A good half of the boys had turned with shouts of welcome to meet him, for he was popular with them. Ordinarily Crow Wing was a very social fellow and taught the white boys to make arrows, string their bows, build canoes, and set ingenious snares. "I don't want him here!" declared Enoch to the ranger. "Tut, tut, what do you care? There's no need in your making an enemy of that fellow, Nuck.

She began whispering with her husband and Aksinya, and their faces wore the same sly and mysterious expression as though they were conspirators. It was decided to marry Anisim. "Oh, tut, tut... the younger brother has been married long ago," said Varvara, "and you are still without a helpmate like a cock at a fair. What is the meaning of it?