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She has no ready money, and would never have the cheek to go into a draper's and order the suit; but when she sees it lying there across her knee, she just cannot resist it. But she hints a scarcity of cash. "Tut, woman!" quoth you, bounteous and kind, "there's no obstacle in that! You can pay me in instalments!" How much would the instalments be, she inquires.

"Have you not over and over again warned me, father, to beware of those gay young fellows who haven't got two sixpences to rub against each other, but have presumption enough to trifle with the affections of all the silly girls in the world. And are you sorry that I should have laid your lessons to heart?" "Tut, child, don't talk nonsense. Whether he is rich or poor is a mere matter of moonshine.

He touched the gardenia gently. "I gave her some roses. Just as the train started to pull out I dared her to come with me ... she came!" "Tut tut!" said Mr. Holiday. "What are we to do?" cried the young man. "Go back and sit with her," said Mr. Holiday, "and leave the door wide open. I'm going through the train now to see who's on board; so don't worry. Leave it all to me."

As to mine but the less said of that commonplace commodity the better. Good night! She took the hand he offered her, and gratefully and almost reverently raised it to her lips. 'Tut! said the Minor Canon softly, 'I am much overpaid! and turned away.

An you cannot find a buyer for your herd at this just figure, I will e'en buy them myself." At this generosity Robin was quite overcome, and fell to praising the Sheriff to the skies, and telling him that he should not have cause to forget the kindness. "Tut, tut," said the Sheriff, "'tis naught but a trade. Drive in your herd tomorrow to the market-place and you shall have money down."

Mother jumped up then, and said, "Tut, tut," what was she thinking of to talk like this when it couldn't do a bit of good, but only made matters worse. And she said that only went to prove how she was still keeping on tarnishing my happiness and bringing tears to my bright eyes, when certainly nothing of the whole wretched business was my fault.

"The same way you came in," said Mr. Thimblefinger. "I tol' you! I tol' you!" exclaimed Drusilla, swinging her right arm up and down vigorously. "Ef you kin fly you kin git out, an' you look much like flyin'. Dat what you git by not mindin' me an' yo' ma!" "Tut! tut!" exclaimed Mr. Thimblefinger. "I'll 'sicc' the Katydids on you if you don't stop scaring the little girl.

He seemed dreadfull grieved and 'stonished when I tole him how I had left you, and said if he could help you, he would be very glad to do it. I tole him we would pay his bill, as soon as this here trial bizness was over; and he answered: 'Tut tut; bill indeed! That poor unfortunate girl need never worry over any bill of mine. I did all I could for her mother, but the best of us fail sometimes.

Nor could the two who listened sound the depth of the pathos the Colonel put into those two words. But the Judge had not fainted. And the brusqueness in his weakened voice was even more pathetic "Tut, tut," said he. "A little heat, and no breakfast." The Colonel already had a bottle of the famous Bourbon day his hand, and Captain Lige brought a glass of muddy iced water. Mr.

"O Loudon!" he cried. "Man, how I've pined for you! And you haven't come an hour too soon. You're known here and waited for; I've been booming you already; you're billed for a lecture to-morrow night: Student Life in Paris, Grave and Gay: twelve hundred places booked at the last stock! Tut, man, you're looking thin! Here, try a drop of this."